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It's not easy for them, writes Ashley Judd in an opinion piece for "USA Today
It's not easy for them, writes Ashley Judd in an opinion piece for "USA Today

Ashley Judd urges Biden to withdraw

**After Hollywood star Clooney, Ashley Judd also calls on Biden to withdraw from his presidential campaign. She urges him to do so willingly and with dignity. The 56-year-old actress joined the demands of her colleague George Clooney and wrote an opinion piece in "USA Today" calling on Biden to step down and make way for a "talented and strong candidate".

It is not easy for Judd, a convinced Democrat, to make this demand. She knows what Biden has done for the country. However, voters deserve a real alternative to Donald Trump. The Republican, who wants to move back into the White House after the US election in November, threatens to wield the power of the presidency with unprecedented, unpredictable cruelty and injustice, warned the 56-year-old.

Biden is fighting to save his presidential campaign on all fronts after a disastrous TV debate against Trump. Regarding the debate, Judd described Biden as a "deeply honorable man" who, however, "was not able to counter Trump's uncontrollable stream of unbearable lies".

Clooney also called on Biden to withdraw from the race in an article in the "New York Times" on Wednesday. Biden was too old and did not look fit at a fundraiser in Hollywood three weeks ago, wrote the 63-year-old. The text received great attention.

Biden-Team: Explosion of donations after NATO summit

Despite the withdrawal demands, many Democrats continue to financially support Biden's campaign according to Biden's team. Campaign donations exploded during Biden's press conference at the end of the NATO summit in Washington, said Michael Tyler, a spokesperson for Biden's campaign team, during a flight to Detroit.

"We had almost 40,000 donations alone last night," Tyler said. They came in seven times faster than the average. This shows that support for Biden is still very strong. In appearances in contested US states, interviews, and the press conference on Thursday, Biden and his team are trying to convince nervous congressional representatives and donors that the debate debacle was just "a bad night" for Biden.

  1. Despite the calls from George Clooney and Ashley Judd for Joe Biden to step down from the United States Presidential Election 2024, his campaign has seen an explosion of donations after a successful press conference at the NATO summit.
  2. Party donations surged for Joe Biden's campaign after his controversial debate performance against Donald Trump, with Michael Tyler, a spokesperson, reporting over 40,000 donations during his press conference, seven times faster than the average.
  3. Even though George Clooney criticized Biden's physical appearance at a Hollywood fundraiser, surviving the scrutiny could be seen as a testament to the resilience of the United States Presidential Campaign, as evidenced by the continued support from Republican and Democratic donors alike.

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