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Around 20 countries want to triple nuclear power for the climate

The idea is to significantly increase energy production from nuclear power and thus conserve fossil fuels. More than 20 countries signed a declaration to this effect at the climate summit.

John Kerry is the US President's special envoy for climate issues. Here at an event at the
John Kerry is the US President's special envoy for climate issues. Here at an event at the UN climate summit COP28 in Dubai.

World Climate Conference - Around 20 countries want to triple nuclear power for the climate

A good 20 countries want to significantly increase energy production from nuclear power for the benefit of the climate. Capacities should be tripled by 2050, according to a declaration published on Saturday at the World Climate Conference, which was signed by France and the USA, among others. Canada, Japan, the UK and several other European countries have also signed up to the pact.

Unsurprisingly, Germany is not one of the signatories following its nuclear phase-out this year. However, in many other countries, including France and the UK, nuclear power continues to play a key role in energy supply.

The declaration states that nuclear power plays a key role in achieving climate neutrality by the middle of the century and keeping the 1.5-degree target, with which the global community aims to prevent the worst consequences of global warming, within the realms of possibility. Other countries are called upon to join in and donors to invest in the expansion of nuclear power.

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