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Armed forces acknowledge responsibility for the fatalities of three hostages in Gaza

Clouds of smoke and debris ascend following an Israeli assault in the Gaza Strip on November 10,...
Clouds of smoke and debris ascend following an Israeli assault in the Gaza Strip on November 10, 2023. Extensive sections in the northern sector of the area had already been reduced to rubble by this point.

Armed forces acknowledge responsibility for the fatalities of three hostages in Gaza

It's uncertain how many of the estimated 100 Israeli captives still in Gaza are alive. There's a strong apprehension that some of them might have suffered at the hands of their own air force's heavy bombardments. This brutal fate is suspected to have befallen three captives in November last year.

As per military reports, these three Israeli captives found dead in Gaza last year most likely met their demise in an Israeli air strike. The Israeli military released the findings of an investigation which were also shared with the families. Two of the deceased were soldiers, while the third, who was also a French citizen, was kidnapped from the Nova music festival.

The three are believed to have perished in an air strike on November 10, 2023, during which a high-ranking Hamas commander was targeted, as stated by the military. However, the exact circumstances surrounding their death remain unclear. The assessment is based on the area where they were discovered, analysis of the attack, intelligence data, and forensic investigations.

Families Warned Repeatedly

The captives were held in a tunnel complex where the Hamas commander was situated. At the time of the attack, the Israeli army had no knowledge of the hostages being present in the targeted facility. The military is making every effort to protect the hostages. The army expresses its sympathy to the families over their tragic loss and will continue to support them.

Relatives of the captives had repeatedly warned the political leadership and the army that the intense bombardments in Gaza could pose a threat to the lives of the abducted. On October 7, terrorists affiliated with Hamas and other extremist organizations killed over 1,200 people in Israel and took about 250 more as captives to Gaza. This unprecedented act of terror triggered the current conflict.

Since the start of the conflict, the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza has surpassed 41,200, as per local authorities. However, the veracity of this figure is uncertain. According to Israeli sources, around 100 captives are still in the custody of Hamas. It remains unclear how many of them are still alive, nearly a year since their abduction.

The Israeli military shared the findings of their investigation into the captives' deaths with the families, who were representatives of The Commission overseeing the case.

Given the families' repeated warnings about the potential danger to the captives due to the intense bombardments, it's crucial for The Commission to press for transparency and accountability in the ongoing investigation.

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