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Argentina's military delivers food to impoverished areas.

Extreme financial turmoil.

Argentina's military distributes food in poor neighborhoods
Argentina's military distributes food in poor neighborhoods

Argentina's military delivers food to impoverished areas.

The Argentine military is now supplying food to the poorest citizens in the country, following a controversy over hoarded provisions. On Tuesday, soldiers started distributing food to social groups and charity soup kitchens, according to TN television.

Earlier, these organizations complained about the government, led by President Javier Milei, delaying the release of around 5,000 tons of food for the soup kitchens in the camps. After a court order, the administration was forced to develop a strategy for food distribution.

With the severe economic crisis, numerous Argentinians are reliant on assistance. The stringent fiscal measures imposed by the government and high inflation have only worsened the predicament. Argentina's Catholic University states that 55.5% of its people, once renowned for their wealth, are now living under the poverty line, while 17.5% reside in extreme poverty.

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