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ARD forecast: AfD leads in the Eastern region.

In eastern Germany, the right-wing populist AfD secured an impressive 27.1% of votes, making them the most powerful political group in the region's federal states.

The two AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel celebrate the results of the European elections...
The two AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel celebrate the results of the European elections together with AfD candidate René Aust at the AfD party headquarters in Berlin.

Upcoming European balloting - ARD forecast: AfD leads in the Eastern region.

In the European election, the AfD emerged as the strongest political force in the eastern region, according to an ARD estimation. On Sunday night, the conservative broadcaster announced that the right-wing populists in the eastern German states, including Berlin, had earned 27.1% of the votes. The CDU followed closely with 20.7% of the votes, while the Left Alliance (BSW) garnered 13.1%.

Read also:

  1. Despite the AfD's strong performance in the European elections in the eastern region, such as Saxony-Anhalt and Berlin, the overall result in Germany as a whole saw the Green Party emerge as the strongest force.
  2. In contrast to the European elections, the results of the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony showed a different picture, with the ruling Left Alliance (Die Linke) and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) securing victories.
  3. The recent European elections in East Germany, including Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg, saw the AfD leading the polls, echoing their success in previous elections.
  4. The Austrian broadcaster ORF also reported similar results to ARD, with the AfD once again leading in the eastern region, including states like Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
  5. The aftermath of the European elections saw a flurry of reactions from political parties, with the European Parliament set to undergo changes as a result of the new political landscape in Germany and across Europe.
  6. With the AfD leading in the eastern region of Germany, including Saxony-Anhalt and Berlin, the upcoming regional elections in Brandenburg and Berlin are expected to be closely watched for further indications of the party's strength.
  7. In Berlin, the traditional stronghold of the Left Alliance, the AfD's rise in the European elections came as a surprise to many, with the party earning a significant share of the vote.
  8. The European elections have highlighted the shifting political landscape in Germany, with the AfD's strong showing in the eastern region reflecting broader trends seen in other EU countries, particularly in Eastern Europe.

