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Approximately 25% of shoppers use their smartphones or smartwatches daily for purchases.

Over a thousand individuals took part in the survey or study.

One in four people pay with their smartphone or watch every day when shopping
One in four people pay with their smartphone or watch every day when shopping

Approximately 25% of shoppers use their smartphones or smartwatches daily for purchases.

Paying for shopping using smartphones or smartwatches is on the rise among German consumers, with one out of every four individuals doing so daily, and almost every second person at least once a week. A survey by Bitkom, a digital association, based on over 1000 respondents in Germany in April and May of this year, revealed this trend. Remarkably, 40% of respondents had never used this method of payment before.

Compared to the fall of 2022, the usage of smartphones or watches for payment has seen a significant increase. In the previous survey, only 13% reported daily use, while one in three used it at least once a week. A staggering 55% had never attempted this form of payment before.

Younger generations are more inclined to adopt contactless payment as opposed to their older counterparts. A whopping 83% of 16- to 29-year-olds reported using this payment method at least once in the past year, while the percentage dropped to 75% for 30- to 49-year-olds and 68% for 50- to 64-year-olds. A mere one in five individuals over 65 reported using this payment method.

It's worth noting that a high percentage of those surveyed reported using contactless payment in general - exclude the cash. Forty percent reported using one of these options daily, with 94% using it at least once a week. Only 2% reported never using contactless payment in a store, compared to every tenth person in the fall of 2022 who still hadn't tried it.

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More respondents in the recent survey had never used smartphones or smartwatches for shopping payments compared to the previous one, with 40% being first-timers, compared to 55% in the fall of 2022. Everyone, regardless of age, is seeing an increase in using smartphones or smartwatches for shopping, with the usage shifting from once a week to daily for a significant number of people. Despite the rise in usage, only the fourth youngest age group, 16- to 29-year-olds, responds often to this trend, with 83% using contactless payment methods at least once a year.

