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Approximately 2200 people in Germany have been newly infected with HIV

In the past year

According to a survey by the German Working Group of Ambulant Acting Doctors for Infectious...
According to a survey by the German Working Group of Ambulant Acting Doctors for Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine (Dagona), there are currently not enough medications to cover all users.

Approximately 2200 people in Germany have been newly infected with HIV

Approximately 2,200 people in Germany were newly infected with HIV last year. This is about the same number as before the Corona-Pandemic, stated the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in a new estimation. An HIV infection can lead to the immune disease AIDS if left untreated.

The RKI estimates the numbers every year. New infections in Germany and of Germans infected abroad are considered.

Among the new infections, there are approximately 1,200 men who have sex with men. The number in this group decreased compared to the year 2019. It is likely that among these men, PrEP, the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, prevented many new infections, explained the RKI. PrEP is almost exclusively used by this group. With this prophylaxis, people at increased risk for HIV infection take a daily tablet with two active ingredients that suppress the virus multiplication in the body.

I was surprised to learn that PrEP, the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, likely played a significant role in reducing new HIV infections among men who have sex with men last year in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute's estimates, approximately 2,200 people in Germany were newly infected with HIV last Year, which is similar to the numbers before the Corona-Pandemic.

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