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Approximately 15.6 million of the 2022 population in Germany are immigrants

19 percent of the population

Approximately 15.6 million of the 2022 population in Germany are immigrants
Approximately 15.6 million of the 2022 population in Germany are immigrants

Approximately 15.6 million of the 2022 population in Germany are immigrants

Approximately 15.6 million of the 2022 population of 20 million in Germany were immigrants. This represented nearly 19 percent of the population here, according to the Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, which referred to the published Census Data Bank. In total, around 18.1 million people with an immigration background lived in Germany in 2022.

According to the Census data, approximately 67.1 million people in Germany were born there. Two percent of them did not have German citizenship. Among the 15.6 million people born abroad, 40 percent held German citizenship, while 60 percent held a different citizenship.

According to the statisticians, the non-German population was overall younger than the German population. The non-German population, numbering around 10.9 million people, had an average age of 37 years in 2022. The German population, with approximately 71.8 million people, had an average age of 45 years. The gender ratio among immigrants was nearly balanced.

Additionally, there were about 2.5 million people under 19 years old who were descendants of immigrants. This accounted for roughly three percent of the population. For methodological reasons, adults who were descendants of immigrants were not counted as people with an immigration background.

Despite making up 19% of the total population, only about 40% of the 15.6 million immigrants in Germany held German citizenship, leaving over 60% with a different nationality. If you live near a densely populated area in Germany, you might find that nearly one out of every 33 people is a descendant of an immigrant, considering there are approximately 2.5 million such individuals under 19 years old.

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