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Apple introduces Vision Pro computer glasses in Germany.

The cost to acquire begins at 3999 euros.

Apple brings Vision Pro computer glasses to Germany
Apple brings Vision Pro computer glasses to Germany

Apple introduces Vision Pro computer glasses in Germany.

Later in July, Apple will officially introduce its Vision Pro computer glasses in Germany. This was revealed by the company's CEO, Tim Cook, at the WWDC developer's conference. The starting price for this device is set at 3999 euros.

The Vision Pro offers users a chance to step into a world of digital immersion. It's not just a virtual reality (VR) headset, but also designed to blend digital content with the physical environment.

Apple's plans involve these glasses being used in conjunction with Mac computers. Users will be able to see large displays while typing on a real, visible keyboard. During the WWDC, Apple also unveiled a newer operating system for the Vision Pro.

Priced at $3,500 before taxes, the Vision Pro was first made available in the US in February. Meta, Apple's biggest rival, sells its VR headset, the Quest 3, for only 550 euros.

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