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Appeal for donations for the funeral of Arian from Bremervörde

A week ago, it was confirmed that the missing Arian is dead. Now his family has to organize the funeral - and they are getting a lot of support.

Many people want to support the family financially with the funeral.
Many people want to support the family financially with the funeral.

Money for Arian's family - Appeal for donations for the funeral of Arian from Bremervörde

A friend of Arian's family is collecting money on the internet for Arian's funeral in Bremervoerde, Lower Saxony. The fundraising goal has already been greatly surpassed, according to a lawyer managing the spending account. The money will now also be used to support social institutions and organizations. Several media outlets have already reported on this.

"This is an incredibly difficult time for the family, as parents should never have to bury their own child," writes the friend on the platform "gofundme". "Every small donation helps make it possible for Arian to have a beautiful funeral." Further details about the planned funeral were not disclosed out of respect for the family.

Since the fundraising goal of 12,000 Euro has long been more than doubled, the remaining money will be used for work with abandoned families, traumatized children, and young autistics. "We also want to use the donations to thank the organizations, associations, and institutions that helped in the search for Arian," it continues on the page. The fundraising campaign is expected to end on Friday afternoon, according to the lawyer's statement.

Arian went missing over two months ago, on April 22, from his home. The police believe that the autistic child left the house on his own. Hundreds of personnel and volunteers searched day and night for the six-year-old. They combed through villages, meadows, forests, and a river. Participating were forces from the police, fire department, Bundeswehr, Technical Relief Organization, and German Red Cross. At times, they searched with dogs, horses, helicopters, drones, wildlife cameras, a Tornado jet, boats, and diving equipment.

Last week, a farmer found a child's body while mowing a meadow in Estorf in the Stade district. The discovery site is only a few kilometers from Arian's home. An autopsy confirmed that the deceased child was indeed the six-year-old Arian.

  1. The police in Lower Saxony, Germany, were involved in the search for Arian, as they believed he had left his home on his own.
  2. The friend managing the donation account for Arian's funeral has appealed for more donations, stating that every small amount helps.
  3. The excess funds from the donation account will be used to support organizations working with abandoned families, traumatized children, and young autistics in Bremervörde.
  4. Arian's girlfriend and children, who live in Germany, are likely grieving the loss of their loved one after the identification of his body.
  5. The search for Arian involved numerous resources, including personnel and equipment from the police, fire department, Bundeswehr, Technical Relief Organization, and German Red Cross.

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