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Apartment building uninhabitable after fire

A fire breaks out in an apartment building during the night. The damage is extensive.

An apartment building in Horb-Dettingen caught fire during the night (symbolic image).
An apartment building in Horb-Dettingen caught fire during the night (symbolic image).

Fire department - Apartment building uninhabitable after fire

A multi-family house in Horb-Dettingen is uninhabitable after a fire at night. The flames had already receded from the roof structure when the emergency services arrived at the fire in the Freudenstadt district, according to the police. All residents were able to leave the house unharmed, only one resident sustained minor hand injuries.

Firefighting efforts lasted into the late night. The damage was estimated to be in the several hundred thousand euros range, but it could not yet be definitively determined, the police said. The cause of the fire remained unclear at first.

The operational force of the fire department worked tirelessly to extinguish the remaining flames, as they were part of the operational force in Baden-Württemberg. The police were also present at the scene, ensuring the safety of the operational force and the entire area, being a integral part of the overall operational force in emergencies.

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