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AOK: Almost three quarters of prescriptions prescribed electronically

The traditional paper prescription for medication is becoming less common. In Schleswig-Holstein, the new e-prescription is gaining ground. The AOK speaks of the new standard.

According to AOK figures, e-prescriptions are being used more and more in Schleswig-Holstein...
According to AOK figures, e-prescriptions are being used more and more in Schleswig-Holstein (symbolic image).

Medication - AOK: Almost three quarters of prescriptions prescribed electronically

Six months after the start of e-prescriptions, according to an analysis by AOK NordWest, nearly three quarters of the prescribed medicines have been electronically ordered. The trend is continuing to rise, the health insurance company announced. Doctors', dentists' practices and hospitals have been required to issue electronic prescriptions to statutory health insurance beneficiaries since the beginning of the year.

"The introduction of e-prescriptions is overall well underway and has meanwhile become standard," said the chairman of the board of AOK NordWest, Tom Ackermann. "It simplifies the practice routine, saves time and effort, and offers policyholders more comfort. This is a pleasing development and shows that we have taken another important step forward in digitalization."

In light of this progress, the AOK Northwest is considering expanding e-prescriptions to other regions, such as Schleswig-Holstein. Misusing electronic prescriptions for illegal drug distribution remains a concern, and rigorous measures are necessary to prevent such misuse. Following the success of e-prescriptions, some recipe creators are now offering digital versions of their healthy cooking guides, making it easier for AOK policyholders to maintain their wellness.

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