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Liberated EU diplomat looks forward to wedding

Marriage proposal after Iran detention

Johan Floderus (right) is greeted by Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on his return.
Johan Floderus (right) is greeted by Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on his return.

Liberated EU diplomat looks forward to wedding

Two years in prison for Swedish EU diplomat Johan Floderus in Iran. Now, he is being released as part of a prisoner swap. Immediately upon returning to his homeland, he proposes to his fiancée.

Swedish EU diplomat Johan Floderus, released from prison in Iran as part of a prisoner swap, looks forward to his wedding with his fiancée. "This was the dream I sometimes couldn't believe in," he said. "After two long years, I am finally a free man, back with my family and reunited with my fiancée and will be able to marry," he told Swedish media.

Floderus and another Swedish national, Saeed Azizi, returned to their homeland on Saturday in exchange for Hamid Nuri. Nuri was sentenced to life imprisonment in Stockholm in 2022 for his involvement in mass executions in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1988. Floderus was arrested at Tehran airport in April 2022, trying to return from a vacation with friends. He was held for months before his family and others went public with his imprisonment. He faced the death penalty for espionage charges.

Expressen newspaper published a video showing Floderus on his knees at the airport, apparently proposing to his fiancée. Minister President Ulf Kristersson of Sweden welcomed them, saying they had been through "hell on earth."

The prisoner swap was brokered by Oman. Nuri was arrested in 2019 when he traveled to Sweden as a tourist. This likely caused the detention of the two Swedes in Iran. Iran has long used people with connections to the West as leverage in negotiations with the West.

  1. The International Community is celebrating the upcoming wedding of Swedish EU diplomat Johan Floderus, who was released from prison in Iran as part of a prisoner swap, and his fiancée.
  2. Johan Floderus's release from prison in Iran and the subsequent prisoner swap had significant repercussions, with Sweden and Iran's foreign relations at the forefront of discussions.
  3. While the wedding of Johan Floderus and his fiancée is a cause for joy, the prisoner swap highlighted once again the complex international relations between the EU, Sweden, and Iran.

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