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Another World War bomb discovered in Saalekreis

In Krumpa, a blind person has been found again. Residents have to leave their houses due to planned explosions. Effects on railway traffic as well.

On Friday, a blind person is to be blown up in the Saalekreis (symbolic image).
On Friday, a blind person is to be blown up in the Saalekreis (symbolic image).

Consequences of war - Another World War bomb discovered in Saalekreis

Again, a bomb from the Second World War has been discovered in the town of Krumpa in Saalekreis. The bomb, which weighs approximately 500 kilograms, must be detonated on site, the Saalekreis announced in the evening. A defusing was not possible due to the fuse. The unexploded ordnance was discovered on a field where a photovoltaic plant was to be built.

According to the authorities, several streets must be cleared on Friday. A kindergarten will remain closed. Residents are expected to leave their houses by 11:30 am at the latest. They can return around 4:00 pm. A sports hall will be opened as an emergency shelter. In addition, the German Railways will no longer stop at the Krumpa station from the morning. The Merseburg-Querfurt Transport Company (PNVG) will also not serve the stops located within the exclusion radius.

A bomb was defused approximately 100 meters from the current discovery site on a Wednesday. In the past, munitions have also been found and disposed of in this area. Krumpa is a district of Braunsbedra.

The consequences of finding the World War Bomb in Krumpa could include the temporary closure of a kindergarten and the evacuation of residents. The emergency shelter for affected individuals will be located in a nearby sports hall. The discovery of the 500-kilogram bomb and its subsequent handling are not unusual in areas that were affected by the Second World War, such as Saalekreis in Saxony-Anhalt. The potential consequences of not properly handling such unexploded ordnance can be severe, as demonstrated by the past instances in Krumpa.

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