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Another strike at City-Bahn - End date is not determined

Already 15 strike rounds have occurred at the City-Bahn in Chemnitz, now number 16 is following. The wage negotiations had failed earlier. The duration of the strike is uncertain.

The city train in Chemnitz stands still again on Tuesday.
The city train in Chemnitz stands still again on Tuesday.

Tariffconflict - Another strike at City-Bahn - End date is not determined

The GDL union will strike against the City-Bahn Chemnitz again starting Tuesday morning at 3 a.m., according to the transportation company. The strike notice came with only twelve hours' notice. "Nevertheless, the management is optimistic that they can offer comprehensive bus replacement services," the statement reads. However, station stops and departure times will deviate from regular schedules. More information can be found on the City-Bahn's website.

Tariff negotiations have failed again

The GDL union has struck against the City-Bahn 15 times in a row. The tariff negotiations in Leipzig on Friday once again failed. The City-Bahn's offer was evaluated by the GDL as a provocation. Although the City-Bahn's offer included a reduction of working hours to 35 hours per week without a wage reduction, "the GDL members were expected to finance this improvement themselves, according to the employer's will," the union states.

City-Bahn managing director Friedbert Straube regrets that a viable compromise could not be reached. The GDL has remained inflexible. "They want to retain the right to raise wages disproportionately despite a reduction in working hours. This is a significant risk for the transport offering and jobs."

The City-Bahn operates in the Chemnitz area and on several railway lines in Central and Western Saxony. Approximately 185 people work for the municipal company.

  1. The ongoing Tariff Conflict between the GDL union and the City-Bahn has led to a strike round, affecting the railway services in Saxony, specifically in Chemnitz.
  2. Despite the GDL's 15th strike against the City-Bahn, Tariff discussions in Dresden are scheduled to commence this week, aiming to resolve the dispute.
  3. The Saxony state government has expressed concern over the ongoing strike, as it may impact the stability of the railway system and the nearby city of Chemnitz, where a major railway station is located.
  4. The GDL union's strike against the City-Bahn has resulted in significant disruptions to the rail service, as passengers in Chemnitz and beyond face alterations in station stops and departure times due to the strike.

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