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Another day of hearings in the trial against Höcke

Thuringia's AfD leader is on trial for the second time over a banned Nazi slogan. Various motions were discussed on the second day of the trial. There was not enough time.

Björn Höcke must once again answer for using a banned SA slogan.
Björn Höcke must once again answer for using a banned SA slogan.

Justice - Another day of hearings in the trial against Höcke

In the process against Thuringia's AfD-chairman Bjoern Hoecke, the Landgericht Halle has scheduled an additional hearing.

Presiding Judge Jan Stengel determined July 1st as the continuation date. He referred to the large number of applications from the prosecution and defense, for which the court needs more time than it has available.

The prosecution has accused Hoecke because he is alleged to have given the forbidden Nazi-slogan "Alles fur Deutschland" (Everything for Germany) at an AfD Stammtisch (regular meeting) with approximately 350 participants in Gera, Thuringia, in the last December. He reportedly spoke the first two words and, according to the prosecution, animated the audience through gestures to complete the phrase. The slogan was once used by the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary organization of the Nazi-party NSDAP. Hoecke maintains his innocence.

  1. The regional court in Halle, Germany, has scheduled an additional trial day for the processes against Björn Höcke, the chairman of Thuringia's AfD.
  2. Presiding Judge Jan Stengel, presiding over the court, has set July 1st as the continuation date, due to the large number of applications from both the prosecution and defense requiring more time than initially available.
  3. The public prosecutor's office in Germany has accused Björn Höcke of giving the forbidden Nazi slogan "Alles fur Deutschland" (Everything for Germany) at an AfD Stammtisch (regular meeting) in Gera, Thuringia.
  4. Approximately 350 participants were present at this meeting, where Hoecke is alleged to have animated the audience to complete the phrase after speaking the first two words, according to the prosecution.
  5. The slogan "Alles fur Deutschland" was once used by the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary organization of the Nazi-party NSDAP, further complicating the case.
  6. Despite the allegations, Björn Höcke maintains his innocence, asserting that he did not intend to give the Nazi slogan during the meeting.
  7. If found guilty, Hoecke could face severe penalties, highlighting the seriousness of extremism trials in a court of law.
  8. This trial serves as a reminder that the concepts of National Socialism (NS) and extremism remain relevant in modern German politics, particularly in areas like Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.
  9. The implications of this trial could potentially extend beyond Björn Höcke, possibly impacting other members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in terms of potential prosecution for similar offenses related to extremism.

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