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An unknown man is critically injured

A man is waiting in his car for two acquaintances. Suddenly, two unknowns jump out of a car and attack the man - with a knife as well. The background is completely unclear.

The police are still groping in the dark: The motive behind a knife attack on a man in Filderstadt...
The police are still groping in the dark: The motive behind a knife attack on a man in Filderstadt is still unclear.

Messerstreich - An unknown man is critically injured

Two unknown individuals have assaulted and seriously injured a man in Filderstadt. According to the police, the attack on the 41-year-old occurred on Saturday evening. The man had been waiting in his car in the Sielmingen district for two known individuals, when a black car dropped off two men and then drove away. The unknown individuals then unexpectedly attacked the man, one of them with a knife. After the incident, they reportedly got back into the black car and fled, according to the police. An immediate manhunt for the perpetrators was unsuccessful. The 41-year-old was taken to a hospital by paramedics and is now out of danger. The motives behind the attack are still unclear, the police added.

The assault in Filderstadt can be categorized as a instance of criminality due to the unprovoked attack on the man. The perpetrators' fleeing action after the mess attack, utilizing an automatic black car, suggests their intent to evade detection by the police in Baden-Württemberg. The men, who launched the messerangriff, remain at large, making it essential for local authorities to stay vigilant and continue their investigation.

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