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An Audi high-ranking official meets an unfortunate end by plummeting from a mountain expedition in Italy.

In the heart of Adamello mountains, Fabrizio Longo, the manager of Audi Italy, finds himself venturing solo. Unfortunately, he experiences a catastrophic fall of approximately 200 meters into an abyss, leaving rescue teams powerless to offer further assistance.

- An Audi high-ranking official meets an unfortunate end by plummeting from a mountain expedition in Italy.

His love for the mountains led to the demise of Audi Italy's leader. The 62-year-old Fabrizio Longo plummeted 200 meters to his end near the Payer peak on the Adamello.

Tragic News for Audi: "This is a sad occurrence"

The swiftly arriving mountain rescue team, as reported by the Italian news agency ANSA, surveyed the area via ferrata on Cima Payer between Corno di Lago Scuro and the Pisgana glacier, only to verify the mountaineer's unfortunate death.

Longo, as reported by ANSA, was alone at the boundary between the provinces of Brescia and Trento - approximately 40 kilometers from Lake Garda. He was at an altitude of around 3000 meters when he fell in the early afternoon.

Witness Captures the Fall, Calls for Aid

The high-ranking executive had commenced his career in 1987 at Fiat and had since been a part of the automotive industry. "This is a sad occurrence. At this moment of deep sorrow, we are with the family and employees of Audi Italia," ANSA cites the president of the Italian winter sports federation, who had maintained a close relationship with the car manufacturer.

The specific reasons behind Longo's mishap remain unclear, even to the rescue helicopter crew. A witness reportedly witnessed the 62-year-old plummeting approximately 500 meters below the peak and contacted the mountain rescue. It appears he was unsecured. He seemed to frequent that mountain range frequently. The local police and public prosecutor's office are now in charge of the investigations.

Another Victim Too

Longo apparently wasn't the only victim that weekend. According to "South Tyrol News", a German tourist had tripped and died in the Comelle Valley in the Dolomites the day prior.

The investigation by local authorities might reveal if other safety measures could have been taken to prevent such a tragic incident relating to other mountain climbers in the future. Regardless of the reasons behind Longo's accident, it serves as a reminder of the inherent risks associated with other outdoor activities.

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