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An attack on Trump causes worldwide outrage

Trump campaigning in Pennsylvania. Suddenly, shots ring out - and the ex-president has blood on his ear. Events are unfolding.

Trump was escorted off the stage by security personnel.
Trump was escorted off the stage by security personnel.

US election campaign - An attack on Trump causes worldwide outrage

An attempted attack on the Republican US Presidential candidate Donald Trump has caused worldwide outrage and raised fears of a political violence spiral in the USA. During a campaign event in the state of Pennsylvania, a 78-year-old Trump was injured in a shooting incident on the stage.

The shooter was killed by security forces, according to the Secret Service representative responsible for Trump's protection. One attendee was reported dead, and two others were injured and in critical condition. According to the police in Pennsylvania, the victims were adult men.

The FBI identified the suspected shooter, who was reportedly identified by media sources shortly afterwards. He was a 20-year-old man from the Pittsburgh area in Pennsylvania, according to CNN, the "New York Times," and other reports citing the FBI. The investigation is still ongoing. There is still no information about a possible motive. Many questions remain open. However, there is no reason to assume that the threat will continue, an FBI representative said at a press conference.

Bleeding Ear and Raised Fist

Trump entered the stage in the small town of Butler around 6:00 PM (local time) to deliver a campaign speech to his supporters. He had just begun his speech when suddenly several gunshots were heard. People screamed.

Trump put his hand to his ear and then ducked to the ground. Security personnel rushed to the stage and shielded him. With a bloodied ear, Trump left the stage, raising his fist in the air.

The Secret Service reported that the suspected shooter had opened fire from an "elevated position" outside the event site. An eyewitness told a TV network that they had seen an armed man among the audience just before the shooting, lying on the roof of a house. US media reported that investigators found an assault rifle.

Panic in the Audience

After the incident, panic broke out in the audience. The event site was evacuated. The area around the stage was cordoned off with yellow police tape and secured by heavily armed response teams.

Trump was initially examined medically. He was reportedly hit by a bullet in his right ear on the Truth Social platform he co-founded. According to media reports, Trump was able to leave the hospital shortly after the incident. He reportedly left Butler that same evening.

Attempted assassination during the Campaign

Trump is running for the Republicans in the Presidential election on November 5 and plans to challenge Democratic incumbent Joe Biden, who is seeking a second term. The Republican Party plans to hold the nomination convention in Milwaukee on Monday, where Trump is expected to be officially declared the party's candidate for the election.

The party will hold the nomination convention as planned despite the incident. This was announced in a joint statement from the party and Trump's campaign team.

Biden condemned the attack on Trump sharply. "I'm relieved to hear that he's safe and doing well," Biden said in a written statement shortly after the incident. He expressed condolences for Trump and his family and for all those who attended the rally. Such violence has no place in America.

Later, Biden appeared in Rehoboth Beach in the state of Delaware, where the Democrat was spending the weekend, in front of the cameras before that. "That's sick, that's sick," he said in a short statement about the incident. According to the White House, Biden and Trump spoke with each other personally. Biden wanted to leave his weekend stay in Delaware and return to the White House early that evening.

Concern over escalation of violence

US Vice President Kamala Harris warned after the attack about the escalation of violence in the USA. "We all must condemn this heinous act and contribute to ensuring it does not lead to further violence," the Democrat urged on X.

Many high-ranking representatives of both parties condemned the attack, including former President Barack Obama, Democratic party leader Nancy Pelosi, Republican House of Representatives Chairman Kevin McCarthy, and many others.

Shock worldwide

The incident was met with shock worldwide. EU High Representative Josep Borrell wrote that he was shocked by the news. "Once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against politicians."

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on X, expressing her sympathy for Trump's family for the innocent death victim. "Political violence has no place in a democracy."

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the attack on Trump on X "despicable." He declared: "Such acts of violence endanger democracy." His thoughts were also with the people affected by the attack. French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the attack on X as a "tragedy for our democracies."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was also shocked. Israeli President Isaac Herzog wrote on X, wishing Trump "in the name of the entire Israeli people" a speedy recovery.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres had a spokesperson issue a statement, wishing Trump a speedy recovery and condemning the violence unequivocally.

Heated atmosphere in the USA

The political atmosphere in the USA has been heated for years. The US Justice Department lamented at the beginning of the year an "alarming increase in threats" against government officials and democratic institutions in the country. After the 2020 election, tensions in the country culminated in a violent attack on the US Capitol. At that time, Trump refused to accept his election loss to Biden and heated up his supporters with allegations of election fraud for months.

  1. Despite the attempted assassination during the US Election 2024 campaign, the Republican Party, along with Trump's campaign team, has announced that the nomination convention will proceed as planned.
  2. The FBI is currently investigating the shooting incident that occurred at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump was injured.
  3. The FBI representative mentioned during a press conference that there is no reason to assume the threat will continue, despite the open questions about the shooter's motive.
  4. CNN, the "New York Times," and other media sources reported that the suspected shooter was a 20-year-old man from the Pittsburgh area in Pennsylvania.
  5. Republican US Presidential candidate Joe Biden condemned the attack on Trump severely, expressing condolences for Trump and his family and all those who attended the rally.
  6. US Vice President Kamala Harris urged everyone to condemn the attack and work towards preventing further violence following the incident.
  7. Various high-ranking representatives, including former President Barack Obama, Democratic party leader Nancy Pelosi, and Republican House of Representatives Chairman Kevin McCarthy, condemned the attack on Trump.
  8. The shock was worldwide as EU High Representative Josep Borrell, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres all expressed their concern and condemnation of the attack.
  9. The political atmosphere in the USA has been tense for years, with the US Justice Department expressing concerns over an "alarming increase in threats" against government officials and democratic institutions.
  10. After the 2020 election, tensions escalated to a violent attack on the US Capitol as Trump refused to accept his election loss to Biden and continued to heat up his supporters with allegations of election fraud for months.

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