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An AFD politician will become deputy to the district president

The AfD received the most votes in the communal election in Vorpommern-Greifswald. However, their candidate failed in the election for theLandrätessionspräsident. He then became the First Deputy.

In the council of Vorpommern-Greifswald, the candidate of the election winner AfD for the post of...
In the council of Vorpommern-Greifswald, the candidate of the election winner AfD for the post of district president failed.

Elections - An AFD politician will become deputy to the district president

The chairman of the AfD faction in the Schwerin Landtag, Nikolaus Kramer, failed in the election for the Kreisstadtpresident in the Vorpommern-Greifswald district on Monday. However, he was able to decide on the position of First Deputy for himself.

He lost the vote for the Kreisstadtpresident position to the incumbent Sandra Nachtweih of the CDU. In a secret ballot, Nachtweih received 41 votes and Kramer received 22. In the election for the First Deputy, Kramer then received 42 votes, while his opponent Katharina Horn from the Greens received 16.

The AfD had won the Kreistag election in Vorpommern-Greifswald on June 9 with 29.8% of the votes. It was their best result in a Mecklenburg-Vorpommern district. They are the largest faction with 19 members. The CDU, as the second strongest force, has 18 members. The Kreistag has 71 members.

Kreisstadtpresident re-elected at Seenplatte

In the constituent session of the Kreistag of the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte district, which also took place on Monday, only the incumbent Thomas Diener (CDU) ran for the Kreisstadtpresident position. The AfD, which is also the strongest force in the Seenplatte-Landkreis district with 29.6% of the votes, did not send a candidate. In the election for the First Deputy, AfD man Enrico Schult failed against Thomas Schroeder from the Left-wing Party (BSW). Schult received 29 votes, Schroeder 42. The Kreistag has 77 members.

The election of AfD man Kramer as First Deputy of the Kreisstadtpresident in Vorpommern-Greifswald lets the much-discussed "Wall" against the AfD continue to crumble. In the Vorpommern-Rügen district, an AfD candidate, Carlos Dias Rodrigues, had recently been successful in the election for the First Deputy of the Kreisstadtpresident.

In the past week, the Landtag in Schwerin, with the votes of the SPD, Left, and Greens, had called on all politicians in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to "not appoint candidates of anti-democratic parties or associations to offices or functions and not to support their motions". This referred to the AfD.

  1. Despite the District Council election victory in Neubrandenburg's Pomeranian-Greifswald district, where the AfD secured 29.8% of the votes and became the largest faction, the party's chairman, Nicholas, lost the election for the Kreisstadtpresident position to Sandra Nachtweih from the CDU.
  2. In the Municipal election for the position of First Deputy in Neubrandenburg's Vorpommern-Greifswald district, Nicholas from the AfD outperformed his opponent Katharina Horn from the Greens, securing 42 votes compared to Horn's 16.
  3. In Schwerin's State Parliament, the CDU, as the second strongest force, has 18 members, just behind the AfD, which holds the majority with 19 members.
  4. In the constituent session of the Kreistag in the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte district, where the AfD is also the strongest force, they did not send a candidate for the Kreisstadtpresident position.
  5. Thomas Diener from the CDU was re-elected as Kreisstadtpresident in the Seenplatte district, with the AfD's Enrico Schult failing to win the position of First Deputy against Thomas Schröder from the Left-wing Party (BSW).
  6. The election of Nicholas as First Deputy of the Kreisstadtpresident in Neubrandenburg's Vorpommern-Greifswald district further weakens the much-discussed "wall" against the AfD in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, following the success of an AfD candidate in the election for the First Deputy of the Kreisstadtpresident in Vorpommern-Rügen.
  7. In response to the rising influence of the AfD in regional elections, the Landtag in Schwerin, with the support of the SPD, Left, and Greens, called on all politicians in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to refrain from appointing candidates of "anti-democratic parties or associations" to offices or functions and to not support their motions.

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