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Amidst the chaos and unrest of contemporary journalism.

The Dresden Carola Bridge has brought some established beliefs into question.
The Dresden Carola Bridge has brought some established beliefs into question.

Amidst the chaos and unrest of contemporary journalism.

"Hopefully, n-tv will learn from their mistakes and stop publishing controversial comments in the future." Hope may never fade, but in this case, it seems nonexistent. Our columnist will undoubtedly continue to write, as the world would become less interesting without the "Pouting Corner."

Recently, an email from a disgruntled reader read, "What are you writing such nonsense?" Although the tone suggested doubts about my intelligence, I was flattered. The word "stupid" can mean astonishing or even surprising. It's a pleasure to be able to shock and surprise individuals from all walks of life. And it's wonderful that some people still use "stupid" when it's soon to be eradicated from our language.

New terms are emerging. Odd word constructions and monsters in the name of a better world. Not too long ago, I called a specialist doctor to schedule an appointment. A voice instructed me to be patient: "All employees are currently in a meeting. The next available employees are coming for you shortly."

Ah, I thought, this is the reality of our times. People are supposed to be improved through language, even if they - like me - are already good people who love everyone, without exception. I must admit, there are certain individuals living in the Eastern Zone that I cannot connect with. They give me a uneasy feeling, and I am allowed to say that because I am from Saxony.

Apologies, Vegetarians and Vegans

But I digress. Back to the phone call: I kept getting stuck in the waiting loop, so I had to listen to the announcement multiple times. It was fortuitous, as I was jotting down the words to use in a future column. I wish to apologize in advance to all vegetarians and vegans, as well as animal lovers, for using the term "minced" in a potentially offensive manner. I am truly sorry, and I humbly ask for forgiveness. I understand and accept that I may have offended many of you, as well as pigs and cows. That was not my intention. But I am aware that the impact of words depends on how they are received by the audience, and not how they were intended.

The sentences echo the countless public apologies that have been made over the years, in an era of sensitivity to perceived offenses. (I'm sure you've read Dostoevsky and know how neuroses influenced human existence and interaction in the 19th century.) I simply entered "apologies after a scandal" in Google and plagiarized the sentences. Now owes me money, despite only copying the material. I hope the legal department doesn't contact me. Being a journalist in these times is challenging enough.

"Would you also be compensated for this intellectual waste, if it weren't for the left-leaning Blome 'Chief' of the propaganda... sorry, politics department of RTL? I'm not sure if it was a rhetorical question or if the reader expected an answer. Many people question my income. 'I hope n-tv draws the consequences and stops publishing comments from their pen in the future.' This is a professional ban. There's still a hint of authoritarianism, a tendency toward totalitarianism in Germans. But there are also kind readers. One can understand how, as a freelance author, 'one can only write what the publisher (broadcaster) would like to hear or read. Otherwise, it will not be published, and one will not receive payment.'

Bridges and certainty collapse

Nonsense. The editorial team grants me complete creative freedom and never knows what I'm writing about until I send the latest column on Fridays. I would like to know if the thousands of journalism experts in Germany who claim to know how editorial offices work also dictate to doctors on what to prescribe. I asked my family doctor. She just rolled her eyes and I felt Doctor Google was present in the room. These are the times when trust is eroding, everything is suspect, and everyone questions everything. Certainty is disappearing at an alarming rate. This is also true for me.

I can vividly recall the moment when the motorway bridge in Genoa collapsed in August 2018, leaving 43 people dead. I was shocked, especially since I had driven over the bridge just a few weeks earlier. I thought about how quickly life can change when chance determines our fate, and we end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I also felt grateful to live in a country where such disasters never happen, because bridges are meticulously inspected and maintained.

One can complain about Germany's excessive safety regulations, but they do have their benefits. They protect human lives. And then came the bridge collapse in Dresden, which left me just as disturbed as the news headlines I read in 2018. Although no one was injured in the incident, I couldn't help but feel that a piece of certainty had also broken away. Germany no longer felt like the country it once was.

Aint those VW jobs secure yesterday? Didn't Germany used to feel like a safe spot, where attending a street festival didn't risk a knife in the back? Wasn't the Federal Republic brimming with cash? Couldn't the retirees live comfortably here without needing to visit a food bank a few years back?

Weren't the liberties of speech thought to be safe here? Aint Europe, up until February 22, 2022, the continent where wars weren't fought? Wasn't the ideology of armament and deterrence considered obsolete?

I could spew out a bucket load of queries on numerous subjects, but I'll draw the line here. Hope you got your smarts on, buddy. I ain't trying to paint a darker picture than necessary. Plenty of folks are doing a fine job of that. I'll keep cruising over bridges and driving through streets without fear. But there's this weird sensation in the pit of my stomach. 'Cause certainties are dwindling, those values that made our country powerful, lovely, and worth living in. At least, until now.

In the context of discussing the erosion of certainty and trust, one could say: "The collapse of bridges, both metaphorically and physically, serves as a reminder of the fading assurance we once had in our infrastructure and society. Bridges and tunnels, symbols of connection and progress, now face significant challenges."

As the columnist reflects on the changing times, they might also comment: "Amidst this shifting landscape, the need for bridges and tunnels of understanding becomes even more crucial. These structures, both physical and metaphorical, can help us navigate through turbulent times and connect with each other."

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