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Americans encounter scorching heat, downpours, and winter storms in various regions

Severe climate conditions sprawl across North America

In parts of the USA, such as here in Calaveras County, California, the emergency services are...
In parts of the USA, such as here in Calaveras County, California, the emergency services are battling forest fires.

Americans encounter scorching heat, downpours, and winter storms in various regions

In the guts of America, diverse weather scenarios are causing turmoil among folks, with scorching heatwaves along the coastline creating distress, while torrential downpours spark flooding in the Middle West. Simultaneously, snowfall is blanketing other regions.

Numerous American regions are battling a perilous heatwave. Projections suggest daytime temperatures of roughly 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in NYC on the East Coast, as per US Weather Service. Certain Eastern coastal zones anticipate temperatures surging beyond 104 degrees, but the wave carries a chance of rain in Florida's party hub, Miami. Folks in the West are sweaty from the heat as well, with the White House advocating precautionary measures.

California and New Mexico are still engulfed by numerous wildfires. Reportedly, at least two lives have been claimed in New Mexico, and over 1400 structures have been razed to the ground, as revealed by US media. Facing the crisis, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has declared disaster emergencies for affected areas, according to National Public Radio (NPR).

Predictions also indicate that the Middle West of the States will witness heavy rainfall and flooding. Texas experienced significant rainfall and flooding due to Tropical Storm "Alberto" in recent days.

On the interior, a winter storm warning was issued for parts of Montana and Idaho earlier in the week. An unusual snowfall was reported in the Rocky Mountains according to weather portal "Accuweather".

Climate change enhances the likelihood of heatwaves

As suggested by meteorological calculations, the majority of the USA is set to confront hotter-than-average temperatures during the summer months of July to September. Meteorologist Johnna Infanti from the US Weather Service NOAA stated on Thursday, "We anticipate temperatures will be higher than usual across most of the USA, with the exception of a few areas." The forecast does not predict the occurrence of extreme weather events, she added.

According to assessments by the research group World Weather Attribution, the possibility of deadly heatwaves, like those that hit the USA, Mexico, and Central America in late May and early June, has increased 35-fold due to human-caused climate change. That said, the likelihood of temperatures reaching the levels experienced in these regions during that period is now four times greater than it was 25 years ago.

Since mid-March, Mexico has recorded 155 heat-related fatalities. From the 13th to the 18th of June, a reported 30 deaths were attributed to the heat. As per the Mexican Health Ministry, over 2500 health issues related to extreme temperatures have been reported. The eastern state of Veracruz accounted for the highest death count with 56 casualties, followed by the states of Tabasco (18 fatalities) and Tamaulipas (17 deaths).

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