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Still President, but no more Presidential candidate: Joe Biden.
Still President, but no more Presidential candidate: Joe Biden.

American weapons

In the USA, the choice between a pardoned narcissist and a grumpy old man is spared. Nevertheless, it shows what happens when political decency is lost. But isn't it said: Every country gets the government it deserves.

After Donald Trump recently survived an attack by a mere body movement in the right moment, he proclaimed: "God alone prevented the unthinkable." Who else then?! Now one might think that this statement about the alleged work of a higher being is a sentence that millions of believers around the world utter every day when they narrowly escape an accident or overcome a serious illness. But we know from experience that Trump means more than a humble reference to an imaginary force with him. He obviously believes he is the Messiah who makes America "great again."

No wonder then - and if so, then a divine one - that the Republican Party has transformed itself into a significant sect with an infallible guru at its helm. This one is now preparing to become President of the United States for the second time and wants to bring happiness to our suffering planet on Earth. As soon as he - priorities are important - forgives himself. Because the fact that the bullet only hit his ear and missed his brain, according to Trump's twisted thinking, is "a chance to bring the whole country, indeed the whole world, together." Peace, joy, pancakes.

"I am grateful to President Zelenskyy that he turned to me, because as the next President of the United States I will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and destroyed countless innocent families," Trump declared. It's only consistent that he emphasized that it was Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who called him and not the other way around. After all, he, Trump, is the angel of peace who has the ability to convince the bloodthirsty Putin with love. How that is supposed to work is still not even in the works.

What humanity already knows, however, is that Trump would choose an electric shock over a bite from a shark. At a campaign rally in Las Vegas, the Republican, who finds renewable energy and electric cars unnecessary, pondered electro boats: "What would happen if the boat sinks due to its weight and you are in the boat, and you have this incredibly strong battery, and the battery is now underwater. And there is a shark, which is only about 10 meters away. I believe the water has a lot of electrical current. But do you know what I would do?" He would "choose the electric shock every time. I wouldn't get closer to the shark."

Hatred in political debate

That doesn't sound pleasant, and it isn't. But a doctor who examined Trump has a different take on it. "Do you all know Ronny Jackson, the Congressman from Texas?", asked the Republican, addressing his supporters. "He said I was, in his opinion, the healthiest President in history, so I like him very much." We're familiar with that: whoever sticks to Trump, this narcissist, will be rewarded with loving words. The doctor who entered politics is named Ronny Jackson, not Johnson.

This Messiah and his followers ignored this faux pas, dedicating themselves uninterrupted to bashing Joe Biden. Trump continued to send out permanent videos showing the outgoing US President stumbling, stammering, disoriented, clumsy, and otherwise disoriented. In America, this absurdity has become the new norm. Insults and hatred in political debates have reached an unexpected scale - all thanks to Trump, the self-proclaimed messiah, who holds nothing sacred.

Biden's IQ is around 70, Trump claimed hours after his lie, wanting to heal the country after the shot to his right ear. A person with an IQ of 70 is considered learning disabled at the borderline of disability. What Trump meant: The outgoing Chief in the White House is a clueless idiot. But in reality, Biden is quite intelligent. However, his recent behavior was dangerously dumb. His refusal to give up his presidential candidacy despite increasing physical and mental deterioration and instead providing Trump with daily fodder for attacks under the guise of "exposing corruption" exposed that Biden is not free from hubris and power-hungry.

The Democrat's withdrawal is no act of political goodwill, but a solo move accompanied by the revenge of an injured ego, who was forced to resign in disgrace. It seemed for a moment that the outgoing US President, in his desperation - who wouldn't want to appear as a senile old man to himself and the public - was planning to use Trump's favorite method: telling tales. Biden spread the rumor of sinister deep state figures, which is incredibly popular among Trump's supporters. Biden believed, as reported by the "New York Times," in a conspiracy among leading Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, who wanted to get rid of "good old Joe." And they were right: they had recognized that Biden was a lost cause against Trump.

Kamala Harris is only a second choice

Given the TV images of Biden, it was laughable to absurd that the White House did not announce the latest political initiatives of the President but statements like these: "His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory frequency, and temperature are still absolutely normal." Remember, this is about the USA, the most powerful country in the (Western) world, which is currently disintegrating and revealing what happens when you neglect deep-rooted reforms, such as its two-party electoral system, which originated in the era of horse-drawn carriages and stagecoaches, and has not been updated.

Even if US citizens are spared the choice between a convicted narcissist and a grumpy old man, one must admit: poor America. Soon it will become clear that Kamala Harris is only a second choice. Biden had never intended to propose her as his successor, not even in 2028. He had tasked his Vice President with combating illegal immigration from Central American countries into the US and reforming national voting rights - tasks that were almost impossible, given that Republican-led states were blocking Harris' progress. Approval ratings for her are low, even among Democrats and Black Americans.

In the race for the 2020 presidency, Harris dropped out before it began. Her chances were slim. No one knew what she stood for. This has only changed fragmentedly to this day. With the topics of abortions, guns, and the fact that she would be the first woman in office, she will find it difficult against Trump's aggression. Moreover, she also has to fight against her image, even her closest associates being displeased. One of them anonymously told the "Washington Post": "With Kamala, you always have to endure a lot of soul-crushing criticism and even her own lack of self-confidence." Therefore, it's Trump or Harris. Neither of them have rosy prospects. But in the end, every country gets the government it deserves for the USA.

In the U.S. Presidential Election 2024, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are expected to run for office, representing their respective parties. This contest between two prominent figures has sparked intense political debates in the United States of America.

Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, is also in the mix for the 2024 presidency. Despite being a potential second choice for some, her approval ratings have been modest, even among Democrats and the African American community.

Trump's campaign has been marked by controversial statements, such as his claim that Joe Biden has a low intelligence quote, sparking further division in the political arena. This attitude towards political rivals is reflective of the level of disrespect and hatred in political debates currently prevalent in the United States.

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