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American military authorities declare elimination of IS head honchos in Iraq

American Military Personnel Also Sustained Injuries

Once held substantial territories in Iraq and Syria, IS now conducts its operations in secret...
Once held substantial territories in Iraq and Syria, IS now conducts its operations in secret underground locations.

American military authorities declare elimination of IS head honchos in Iraq

The US Army pronounced in late August that they had eliminated four prominent figures from the extremist group Islamic State (IS) in western Iraq. This operation, carried out in collaboration with Iraqi security forces, resulted in the demise of the militia's military commander in Iraq, according to the US Central Command (Centcom), which oversees Middle Eastern operations.

In this operation on August 29, a total of 14 IS members met their end. Several US troops were wounded during the course of the operation. The US Army explained, "This operation aimed to eliminate ISIS leaders and disrupt and weaken ISIS's capacity to strategize, coordinate, and execute attacks against Iraqi civilians, as well as US citizens, allies, and partners worldwide." The term "ISIS" was previously used by the Islamists to refer to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Centcom remains resolute in the pursuit of the lasting defeat of IS, which, despite being defeated in its own country, continues to pose a threat to the USA, its allies, and regional stability, affirmed US General Michael Erik Kurilla.

Withdrawal of US Troops Demanded by Iraq

This operation transpired during discussions between Baghdad and Washington regarding the future of the anti-jihadist coalition in Iraq. Iraq is aiming for the complete withdrawal of international forces, although an exact timeline has yet to be announced.

At present, the USA maintains approximately 2500 troops in Iraq and around 900 in neighboring Syria, as part of the coalition formed in 2014 to counter IS. Other countries such as Germany, France, Spain, and Italy also contribute hundreds of troops to this coalition. The Iraqi government considers IS defeated and the tasks of the coalition accomplished. At its peak, IS controlled about a third of both Iraq and Syria, but was decimated in Iraq by the end of 2017 and in Syria by 2019.

The European Union expressed its support for Iraq's sovereignty and its decision to negotiate the withdrawal of international forces, including US troops. The European Union Council's statement highlighted the importance of maintaining stability and security in the region, emphasizing their continued commitment to the global fight against terrorism.

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