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Alp farmers charged for damaging Allgau wild stream

Two years ago, dredging works at a Bach in the Alps caused an environmental scandal. Farmers and the Landratsamt are blaming each other. Now, the judiciary has its say.

The Wildbach in Rappenalptal, Allgäu, was illegally straightened by dredging works (archive image)
The Wildbach in Rappenalptal, Allgäu, was illegally straightened by dredging works (archive image)

Environmental scandal before court - Alp farmers charged for damaging Allgau wild stream

According to the illegal dredging activities in the strictly protected Rappenalptal area of Oberstdorf, the Landgericht Kempten will clarify the criminal responsibility starting Tuesday (9:00 am). In this trial, the two Alp masters of two Alp associations are accused. The public prosecutor accuses the 59 and 64-year-old defendants of deliberate endangerment of protected areas and deliberate water pollution, and they face imprisonment.

The associations are property owners in the area of Rappenalpbach, which was significantly altered by the works in the fall of 2022. These construction works were considered non-permit-issuable by the authorities and administrative courts, as the area is protected as a nature reserve.

Background of the works were flood damages that were to be rectified. The two defendants allegedly ordered extensive dredging works on a Wildbach, the Rappenalpbach, in the fall of 2022, canalizing it in some sections and violating an agreement with the Landratsamt Oberallgäu. The district administration had previously allowed certain works along the Wildbach. After the environmental scandal became known, there were mutual accusations between the office and the Alp farmers.

Nature conservationists demand further restoration work

In a proceeding before the Administrative Court in Augsburg, the authorities and the associations had agreed to finance the restoration together. The court had identified errors on both sides.

The BUND Naturschutz in Bayern, which speaks of one of the "worst natural disasters of the last years," has pointed out that the previous restoration work was not sufficient. Experts had explained that it would take years for the flora and fauna in the Rappenalptal to settle down again. The public prosecutor estimates the costs for the restoration of the Wildbach at 860,000 Euro. The Landgericht has planned five trial days for the criminal trial, a verdict could therefore be announced on August 9th.

  1. The illegal dredging activities in the Rappenalp Valley, a strictly protected area in Oberstdorf located in the Alps of Bavaria, have sparked an environmental scandal.
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Kempten is overseeing the court process related to this case, accusing two Alp masters of deliberate endangerment of protected areas and deliberate water pollution.
  3. The controversy stems from dredging works carried out on a Wildbach, the Rappenalpbach, in the fall of 2022, which violated an agreement with the Landratsamt Oberallgäu.
  4. Despite previous approval for certain works by the district administration, the defendants are accused of canalizing the stream and causing significant alterations to the area, a nature reserve.
  5. Nature conservationists have demanded further restoration work for the Wildbach to restore its natural habitat and ensure the survival of the affected flora and fauna, estimating the costs at around 860,000 Euros.
  6. The criminal trial, scheduled for five days beginning Tuesday, may result in imprisonment for the defendants if found guilty.

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