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Almost two thirds of Germans want to take advantage of special offer days

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Discount days such as Black Friday (November 24) and Cyber Monday (November 27) are
Discount days such as Black Friday (November 24) and Cyber Monday (November 27) are

Almost two thirds of Germans want to take advantage of special offer days

This year, almost two thirds of Germans want to take advantage of the special offer days around "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday". Half of them plan in advance which bargains will end up in their shopping cart, according to a survey of 1123 internet users published on Thursday by the digital association Bitkom. One in five, on the other hand, only rely on spontaneous browsing for offers, while 27 percent want to do without the bargains.

"Inflation and general uncertainty mean that consumers are currently thinking twice about what to buy and when, and are postponing major purchases in the hope of discounts," said Bitkom CEO Bernhard Rohleder.

Of those interested in buying, only eight percent plan to hunt for bargains in bricks-and-mortar stores. In general, online shopping has become an integral part of German life: 94% of respondents have shopped online in the past twelve months. Of these, more than a third order online at least once a week. International sales platforms such as Amazon and eBay are at the forefront of this trend, with 82% frequently shopping on them. One in five people also shop while at work. Of these, a clear majority of 66% also store during working hours, while 31% store exclusively during breaks.

Despite the high level of convenience, both retailers and consumers need to watch out for fraudulent activity when shopping online, warned digital ID platform Signicat. "Market data shows a worrying rise in various forms of payment fraud, posing a major challenge to the security of financial transactions during the holiday shopping season, which kicks off with the famous Black Friday.

  1. Despite the strong interest in "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" special offer days, one third of Germans prefer to shop spontaneously rather than planning in advance.
  2. The digital association Bitkom's survey found that only eight percent of Germans planning to buy during these days intend to do so in physical stores, opting instead for online shopping.
  3. While online shopping has become commonplace in Germany, with 94% of respondents having shopped online within the past year, signs of fraudulent activity during major sales events such as "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" remain a concern.
  4. Frequent shoppers on international platforms like Amazon and eBay, which are popular choices for German consumers, should be vigilant against payment fraud, given the rising trends of such activities around "Cyber Monday" and other special offer days.




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