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Alliance Germany wants Biedenkopf-Dresden Airport

The name Dresden International for the city's airport sounds appealing. However, it is not an international hub. Now, there are suggestions for another renaming.

Dresden: According to the will of the party Bundnis Deutschland, future work in Dresden should bear...
Dresden: According to the will of the party Bundnis Deutschland, future work in Dresden should bear the name of Kurt Biedenkopf.}

Airport - Alliance Germany wants Biedenkopf-Dresden Airport

The Small Party Bündnis Deutschland proposes a name change for the airport of the Saxon state capital. Instead of Dresden International, the airport should henceforth bear the name of the former Saxon Minister-President Kurt Biedenkopf (1930-2021). Party leader Steffen Große expressed this request once again in a letter to the Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and the Mayor of Dresden Dirk Hilbert (FDP). "In my opinion, the time is pressing. One can still ask Biedenkopf's widow for permission during her lifetime and let her participate in the approval of her late husband", the letter states.

"That our state capital's airport should carry the name 'Professor Kurt Biedenkopf' would be a distinguished tribute, as is customary for other prominent statesmen elsewhere", Große emphasized and referred to examples such as Berlin (Willy Brandt) and Munich (Franz Josef Strauß). For the Leipzig airport, Große had suggested the conductor Kurt Masur as a namesake in 2021.

"I am firmly convinced that our Saxon airports will attract more attention with this naming than before and that passenger traffic will increase. Biedenkopf and his first cabinets have laid important tracks for the successful start of our state. He is still not forgotten in the hearts of many Saxons and undoubtedly an identification figure", argued Große. Biedenkopf had given the Saxon population confidence, self-confidence, and a sense of rootedness.

  1. Despite the proposal by the Small Party Bündnis Deutschland for a name change, the current name of Saxony's state capital's airport, Dresden International, remains unaltered at the moment.
  2. The CDU, being the ruling party in Saxony and Germany, might have a significant role in deciding whether the airport's name will be changed to honor Kurt Biedenkopf.
  3. Architectural modifications might be necessary if the airport's name is changed to 'Professor Kurt Biedenkopf', ensuring the new name is prominently featured for air traffic and passengers to notice.
  4. The FDP, as the city's governing party, might have a say in the name change decision, given their role in the city's administration and Michael Kretschmer's position as Saxony's Minister-President from the CDU.
  5. Alliance Germany, a political force, might also have an opinion on the name change suggestion, given its interests in Saxony and Germany's aviation sector.
  6. If the name change is approved, it would demonstrate the deep respect Saxony has for its prominent figures, such as Kurt Biedenkopf, who had significant impact on the state's development.
  7. Changes in air traffic control systems and procedures might be required following the name change, ensuring the airport's new name is used consistently across all communication and documentation related to air traffic in and out of Dresden.

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