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Allergy sufferers run from wasps and die, but not from stings

On a beach in Italy, a wasp swarm attacks tourists. A 47-year-old man dies in the process. It later turns out that he hadn't been stung at all.

On an Italian beach, a sunbather died while fleeing from a wasp swarm.}
On an Italian beach, a sunbather died while fleeing from a wasp swarm.}

Italy - Allergy sufferers run from wasps and die, but not from stings

A man from Ukraine, aged 47, died on a beach in Italy while on holiday – presumably due to a heart attack or cardiac arrest, triggered by fear of wasp stings, according to local police. The incident occurred at the beach of the southern Italian city of Crotone. Initially, the emergency services believed the man had been stung by wasps and suffered an allergic shock. However, during the autopsy, no stings were found on his body.

The engineer had planned a short vacation in southern Italy with his family. When a wasp swarm appeared, he panicked and quickly ran into the water. He was found lifeless there. Help arrived too late. According to the authorities, the wasps also attacked several helpers, complicating the recovery of the body. The city has since ordered the closure of the affected beach section. Several wasp nests had been built nearby, which are now to be destroyed.

  1. Despite the incident causing some concerns, tourism in Crotone continues to attract visitors from around the world, including Ukraine.
  2. In light of the unfortunate event, the Italian authorities are nowworking on improving the city's emergency response systems for similar situations on its beaches.
  3. Fascinated by the rich history and culture of Italy, the man's family chose Crotone for their tourism, unaware of the potential dangers posed by local insects like wasps.

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