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Allegations Claim Moldova's Former Military Leader Spied for Russia

Suggested assault on his nation.

Igor Gorgan - here in 2016 - was dismissed in 2021.  However, he is said to still have henchmen in...
Igor Gorgan - here in 2016 - was dismissed in 2021. However, he is said to still have henchmen in the Moldovan Ministry of Defense.

Allegations Claim Moldova's Former Military Leader Spied for Russia

The top general of Moldova, Igor Gorgan, was once a valuable asset to the country's military. Now, he has been uncovered as a traitor, conspiring with the Russian GRU, Moldova's nemesis. Markus hips us on his covert activities during the years he led the General Staff in the Republic of Moldova, where he had unrestricted access to vital secrets.

The former Chief of Staff of Moldova, Igor Gorgan, is accused of being an agent of the Russian military intelligence service, GRU. The jaw-dropping discovery comes courtesy of a revelatory report from "The Insider," a Russian exile news outlet, in collaboration with the Moldovan YouTube channel "Little Country MD." They claim to have access to Gorgan's Telegram chats with his Russian counterpart, Colonel Alexei Makarov.

The channels allege that Gorgan had been leaking secrets about his country's domestic politics and weapon supplies to Ukraine to Russian intelligence. He boldly suggested that Russia wage war against Moldova and shared classified documents with the GRU.

Gorgan was apparently recruited by the GRU as early as 2004, while serving in NATO missions in Bosnia, Georgia, and Iraq. In recent years, he had established connections with various Russian military attachés in his own country. Alexei Makarov was his last contact, serving as the military attaché at the Russian embassy in Moldova's capital, Chisinau. The Moldovan media have previously speculated about the general's frequent visits to the Russian embassy.

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the correspondence between Gorgan and Makarov increased in frequency. The GRU was desperately seeking information about Ukraine's planned weapons purchases from neighboring Moldova. Gorgan thus informed Makarov that Ukraine was keen to buy six MiG-29 helicopters from Moldova in April 2022. He also provided details about trains transporting fuel from Moldova to Ukraine.

Gorgan pushed for Russia to invade Moldova

GRU was eager to know about possible routes for Western weapons delivering to Ukraine. Gorgan divulged secret information, hinting that the border between Ukraine and Romania was a "big hole." He urged the Russians to shut down the border to prevent further flows of weapons. Gorgan also mentioned the need to "cleanse Moldova of all fascist scum," suggesting a capability to stage a coup and welcome Russian forces. Moreover, he expressed disdain for "nationalist formations," likely a reference to the Ukrainian unit Azov, a frequent target of Russian propaganda. Gorgan also seemed ready to help eliminate "fascist scum" politicians, hinting at a violent overhaul.

Even after his dismissal in 2021, following Maia Sandu's pro-European victory, Gorgan continued to have loyal followers in the Defense Ministry. The channels disclose that he received a stolen internal document about the Moldovan army's training plans from within the Ministry and forwarded it to Makarov in 2022.

The link between Gorgan and the GRU was severed when 45 Russian diplomats and embassy staff were expelled from Moldova in July 2023. A mere handful of diplomats remained at the embassy by the year's end. It is speculated that Gorgan then secured a position at the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Moldova, an assumption he denied angrily and declared "nonsensical" when questioned.

Gorgan's treachery is now public, and he may face serious repercussions from Moldova's pro-European president and the corresponding investigations. In the background, there still lingers disenfranchisement of Russian influence in the impoverished former Soviet republic. Tensions have escalated further since the Russian military attack on Ukraine, with concerns over a potential takeover of the rebellious region of Transnistria, where Russian soldiers have stationed since the '90s. Moldova, with a population of approximately 2.5 million, must contend with this potential threat while aiming for deeper ties with the EU.

The news punctuates the close ties between Russia and some Moldovan military officials. The country's law enforcement must grapple with further investigations and apprehending allies of Russia for the greater good.

Read also:

  1. The revelations about Gorgan's espionage activities have raised concerns in the Republic of Moldova, as they highlight the potential threat of Russian infiltration, particularly in light of the ongoing 'Attack on Ukraine'.
  2. In response to the allegations, the Moldovan government has expressed its dissatisfaction with the Kremlin's involvement in the domestic affairs of its neighboring country, stating that such actions undermine the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova.
  3. The Moldovan secret services are now focusing their efforts on investigating potential Russian agents within their own ranks, aiming to prevent any future 'attacks' or infiltrations.
  4. The 'Attack on Ukraine' has further strained relations between Russia and the Republic of Moldova, with some speculating that Russia may use the 'Republic of Moldova' as a springboard for future operations against its Western neighbors, due to its close proximity and historical ties with Russia.

