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Five prime ministers since the Brexit vote: view of Westminister Palace in London, seat of the...
Five prime ministers since the Brexit vote: view of Westminister Palace in London, seat of the British parliament.

All data on the election in Great Britain

On the British Isles, political upheavals are taking place: Surveys indicate significant losses for the Conservatives in upcoming elections. Has Premier Rishi Sunak miscalculated? Data and infographics in the overview.

The Parliament in London has been dissolved, the campaign in the United Kingdom is already in full swing: On 4th July, the approximately 46.6 million registered voters in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland were called upon to determine the power balance in the British House of Commons anew.

The reason for the early elections is a controversial decision by the incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: The Conservative Party leader attempted to regain some freedom after the local election debacle of his party in early May.

Sunak's chances of re-election appear slim: In the polls, the opposition Labour Party (Lab) is significantly ahead of the governing Conservatives (Con). The right-populist "Reform UK" Party (Ref. UK) could potentially become the third strongest force.

Labour Leader and Opposition Leader Keir Starmer spoke of a "chance for a change for the better." After 14 years, he argued, it was time for a change. "Stop the chaos," he urged the British people, "start a new chapter and begin the rebuilding." Premier Sunak, on the other hand, campaigned with far-reaching tax cuts and presented himself as a guarantee for security and economic strength.

"Now is the moment for Britain," Sunak declared at the end of May during a speech at his office in Downing Street in the pouring rain, "to choose its future and decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or whether we risk returning to the beginning without a plan and without certainty."

For the 44-year-old Sunak, the July election is his first real test on a national level, after he was appointed party leader of the Conservatives in October 2022. "I am the one who is ready to take bold actions," Sunak asserted. "I have a clear plan and that's why I will offer you and your family security."

It remains to be seen whether Sunak's promises will be enough to turn the ship around. "The British people are longing for a change," remarked the leader of the Liberal Democrats (LibDem), Ed Davey. "And this election is our chance to finally bring it about." The polls indicate a pronounced swing towards change.

Britain's incumbent Prime Minister appears abandoned by luck. Two weeks before the election, Sunak must find a new campaign manager. Tony Lee, the Conservative Party's strategy planner, came under scrutiny in connection with bets on the election date.

Lee's wife Laura Sanders, who is running for the Conservatives in the elections, is suspected - possibly with insider knowledge - of having placed bets on a July election. Betting on insider information is illegal in Britain. The case is causing a stir on the island.

The Conservative Party has been in power in the House of Commons, the official name for the British Parliament, since the Labour defeat under Gordon Brown and the victory of David Cameron in May 2010.

Since the regular House of Commons elections in 2010 and 2015, Cameron's Conservative faction was able to defend its majority each time - and even in the Brexit turmoil following Cameron's controversial EU referendum and the extraordinary elections in June 2017 and December 2019, the Conservatives managed to stay afloat.

British politics remain turbulent: Since the 2016 referendum on the United Kingdom's exit from the EU, the British have experienced five Conservative Party leaders in succession: After Cameron came Theresa May and later Boris Johnson, then Liz Truss for a few weeks, and finally Rishi Sunak took over the reins of government at 10 Downing Street in the autumn of 2022.

Looking Back: General Election 2019

At the General Elections on 4th July 2024, all 650 seats in the British House of Commons are up for grabs. Elections take place throughout the United Kingdom, that is, in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. One seat is available per constituency. The 650 members of the House of Commons represent their respective constituencies.

In England, according to the parliamentary boundary commission, 543 MPs (previously 533) will be elected, Scotland will send 57 MPs (instead of the previous 59), Wales will contribute 32 MPs (previously 40), and Northern Ireland will continue to provide 18 "Members of Parliament." The number and boundaries of constituencies - the so-called Constituencies - are based on population figures.

Elected for five years

According to British electoral law, the relative majority determines the outcome: Voters, both men and women, each have one vote to cast. Winners in the 650 constituencies are those who receive the most votes locally. The "winner takes it all" rule of the first-past-the-post system favors local candidates and larger parties. The local vote shares of losing candidates are forfeited.

Members of the British House of Commons are elected for a regular term of five years. Eligible voters must register beforehand. The deadline for registration is the upcoming election on 18th June. Afterwards, British, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish citizens are free to vote at the polling station on election day or to vote by postal ballot beforehand.

Elections in the United Kingdom are traditionally held on a Thursday. According to the British Electoral Commission, polling stations open at 7.00 am (local time, 8.00 am CET) on 4th July and close only at 10.00 pm (CET: 11.00 pm) in the late evening. Immediately afterwards, the counting of votes begins.

  1. Despite Rishi Sunak's efforts to regain some freedom for the Conservative Party after their local election debacle, surveys suggest significant losses for the Conservatives in the upcoming British House of Commons election.
  2. The opposition Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, is currently significantly ahead of the governing Conservatives in the polls, which could potentially result in a change of power in the British House of Commons after the elections.
  3. The controversy surrounding Tony Lee, the Conservative Party's strategy planner, and his wife's alleged betting on the election date has put additional pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as the British House of Commons election approaches.
  4. The Conservative Party has been in power in the British House of Commons since 2010, first under David Cameron and then under three subsequent leaders, but faces a challenging election on 4th July 2024 where all 650 seats are up for grabs.

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