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Aiwanger warns against Wagenknecht alliance

FW leader courts Palmer

Fighting for disappointed voters: Hubert Aiwanger and Sahra
Fighting for disappointed voters: Hubert Aiwanger and Sahra

Aiwanger warns against Wagenknecht alliance

Similar to Hubert Aiwanger with the Free Voters, Sahra Wagenknecht also wants to reach disappointed citizens with her planned party. Although Aiwanger admits the overlaps in migration policy, he also warns that Wagenknecht's economic policy is communist.

The party chairman of the Free Voters (FW), Hubert Aiwanger, has warned against the new alliance of former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht. "Every new party has the appeal of something new, but who knows whether Ms. Wagenknecht will still be working on her party once she sits in the European Parliament," Aiwanger told the Berlin newspaper "Tagesspiegel".

He and Wagenknecht do have overlaps in terms of migration policy, said the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs. However, Wagenknecht's economic policy is communist. "We have to make it clear to our voters that they should choose the tried and tested and not the media hype," said Aiwanger.

The alliance of former Left Party MPs around Wagenknecht will be officially constituted on Tuesday. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) also intends to apply for recognition as a new parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

Wagenknecht and nine other members of the Bundestag declared their resignation from the Left Party in October. They want to found a new party in January, which is to emerge from the already founded association "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht", and run in the 2024 European elections. With the departure of the Wagenknecht wing, the Left Party lost its parliamentary group status in the Bundestag.

"Can get to know each other first"

Aiwanger struck a much more positive note with regard to the Mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer. He could imagine him as a member of his party: "We are a party capable of integration, even for opinionated politicians like Boris Palmer," Aiwanger told the newspaper.

The former Green politician announced last week that he intends to run for a place in the district council for the Free Voters' Association in Tübingen in next year's local elections. Although the Free Voters' Association and the Freie Wähler are not structurally linked, Aiwanger expressed his openness towards Palmer: "We also have differences in terms of content, but now we can get to know each other at a local level."

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