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AI boom drives value of listed companies

The record hunt on the stock markets continues - mainly due to the booming topic of artificial intelligence. US companies in particular are benefiting from this. Europe is falling behind.

The AI boom is driving the stock markets: at the end of June, software company Microsoft was the...
The AI boom is driving the stock markets: at the end of June, software company Microsoft was the most expensive company, followed by Apple and Nvidia.

Artificial Intelligence Boom Drives Value of World's 100 Top Stock-Listed Companies to New Heights

Stock exchange - AI boom drives value of listed companies

The Boom in Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to push the value of the 100 most valuable corporations in the world to new heights. It grew by 17% in the first six months of the year, reaching a record $42.3 trillion US-Dollars. This is according to an analysis by the auditing and consulting firm EY, which was obtained by the German Press Agency. The cut-off date for the survey was June 28.

Microsoft in First Place - Apple and Nvidia in Second and Third

At the top of the rankings is the software company Microsoft, with a value of $3.32 trillion US-Dollars. For comparison: Microsoft is 77% more valuable than all DAX companies combined. The 40 largest German corporations had a market capitalization of $1.87 trillion US-Dollars at the end of June.

Apple takes the second place in the ranking, followed by chipmaker Nvidia. Nvidia increased its stock market value by almost 150% in the first half of the year, from $1.22 trillion at the end of 2023 to $3.04 trillion US-Dollars. Other semiconductor manufacturers like TSMC (ranked 10th) and Broadcom (ranked 11th) also made significant gains. A total of 26 technology companies were among the top 100.

EY CEO: AI with gigantic value creation

The CEO of EY's business operations, Henrik Ahlers, stated: "The topic of Artificial Intelligence is a megatrend that is leading to a reordering of the economic world at an astonishing pace and influencing the imagination of investors and stock markets." AI technologies will bring about significant changes in all industries and in private life in the future. "This will be associated with a gigantic value creation."

US Companies Profit Most from AI Enthusiasm

However, many European companies have benefited from the enthusiasm for AI to a lesser extent. Among them are the Dutch chipmaker ASML, the German software company SAP, and the British chip designer Arm. They all made significant gains and have a combined market capitalization of $812 billion US-Dollars. However, they are outnumbered by 18 tech giants from North America, which together are worth $16.5 trillion US-Dollars.

Europe in the Second League in AI

Ahlers said: "Europe is currently playing a secondary role in the AI theme and has a significant catch-up need." The development is proceeding so rapidly that the danger exists that Europe will be left behind. While there are some promising AI start-ups in Europe, these are not listed companies and are far behind the US frontrunners in terms of revenue.

The AI Boom could further strengthen the dominance of US corporations on the world stock markets. At the end of June, 60 of the 100 most valuable companies were from the United States. 19 were from Europe. For comparison: In 2007, there were 46 from Europe and 32 from the US.

"We have seen a continuous loss of significance for Europe in the last two decades," Ahlers added. Europe's top companies are mostly not active in the technology sector and therefore profit little from the AI boom. Therefore, it speaks little in favor of Europe being able to reverse this trend in the coming years.

  1. The growth in AI value has also impacted Dax companies, with Microsoft being significantly more valuable than all of them combined.
  2. Nvidia, a prominent player in the AI field, saw its stock market value increase by almost 150% in the first half of the year.
  3. Apple, in second place, and Nvidia, in third place, demonstrate the strong presence of AI companies in the international stock market.
  4. The German Press Agency obtained an analysis by the auditing and consulting firm EY, highlighting the influence of AI on the world's top stock-listed companies.
  5. Henrik Ahlers, the CEO of EY's business operations, has emphasized the megatrend of AI and its significant impact on various industries and personal lives.
  6. The US companies have profited most from the AI enthusiasm, with 18 tech giants from North America collectively worth $16.5 trillion US-Dollars.
  7. Microsoft, a software company, holds the first place in the ranking with a value of $3.32 trillion US-Dollars, significantly surpassing all DAX companies combined.
  8. The Dutch chipmaker ASML, the German software company SAP, and the British chip designer Arm are among the European companies that have benefited from the AI enthusiasm.
  9. The AI Boom could further strengthen the dominance of US corporations on the world stock markets, with 60 out of the 100 most valuable companies being from the United States.
  10. Stuttgart's stock exchange is just one of the many stock exchanges worldwide that have witnessed the influence of AI on the stock market, with companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia setting new records.

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