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Against acidic soils: Forest in Saxony is being chalked

For nearly 40 years, Saxony's forests have been chalked - once again this year. The effects of acid rain are still an issue.

Saxony forests are being chalked from the air again.
Saxony forests are being chalked from the air again.

Ecology - Against acidic soils: Forest in Saxony is being chalked

In the coming weeks and months, Saxony's forests will receive a lime treatment from the air. Helicopters distribute 20,000 tonnes of magnesium lime, as the state enterprise Sachsenforst announced. Around 6,700 hectares of forest will be supplied in this way. The elaborate action still aims to mitigate the effects of acid rain from the previous century.

"Forest rangers have been regularly liming the soils for decades. They are still healing the wounds of the past", explained Forest Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens). Many forest soils are still deeply acidified - a consequence of emissions from industry and power plants. With lime, the soils should be neutralized. Aerial lime application also serves forest management.

According to ministry information, a forest area will only be limed if human-induced acidification has been proven and the area has not been treated in the past ten years. Both state forests and privately and other owned forests will be limed. Since 1986, around 430,000 hectares of forest have been limed.

  1. The lime treatment will extend beyond Saxony's forests, also impacting the ecosystems of the nearby Easter Mountains.
  2. Ecologists have been closely monitoring the effects of the lime treatment on the diverse flora and fauna of the Saxon forests.
  3. Last Easter, a helicopter tour took me over the limed forest areas in and around the town of Pirna, offering a unique view of the procedure.
  4. Forestry practitioners in Saxony are now turning their attention to rehabilitating the acidified soils in the Helicopter-accessible forests, ensuring a sustainable future for the region.

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