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After TV debacle: Biden's family apparently against withdrawing from election campaign

After the debate fiasco against Donald Trump, Joe Biden is at a crossroads: carry on or step down? His inner circle apparently has a clear opinion on the matter - and has probably identified a culprit for his disastrous performance in the TV debate.

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden (r) arrive in East Hampton with their...
US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden (r) arrive in East Hampton with their granddaughters Natalie Biden (l) and Finnegan Biden (2nd from left)

Media reports - After TV debacle: Biden's family apparently against withdrawing from election campaign

Joe Biden's family reportedly encouraged the 81-year-old to stay in the race for the White House after his disappointing performance in the TV debate against Republican challenger Donald Trump. According to CNN, citing two unnamed Biden advisors, Biden's family offered him "unlimited support" during a family gathering at Camp David, the U.S. President's retreat near Washington. The New York Times also reported, citing Biden's circle, that his family is pushing for him to continue his campaign despite his disastrous showing in the debate.

The debate over Biden's age continues to gain momentum. Biden spent the weekend at Camp David with his family after a series of campaign events. The trip was planned beforehand. The White House tried to avoid the impression that it was a crisis meeting. Instead, a photo shoot with renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz was on the schedule – Biden's children and grandchildren traveled specifically for it. Biden is scheduled to return to the White House on Monday evening (local time). In addition to his presidential duties, he has planned receptions with Democratic Party donors.

Biden's Family Reportedly Blames Key Advisors for Debacle

Biden is hoping for a victory in the November presidential election, with many indicators suggesting a close race. However, after Biden's disastrous performance in the first TV debate on Thursday evening (local time), a debate has erupted in the U.S. about whether the Democrat is still suitable for the job or if a younger candidate should take his place. Biden has so far refused to withdraw and is focusing on damage control. His wife Jill has publicly stood behind the U.S. President.

Politico reported that Biden's family had become particularly agitated at Camp David over the President's closest advisors. According to the report, the family placed the blame for the failure at the debate on these advisors. Biden was not prepared to attack Trump more aggressively and focused too much on defending his record instead of painting a vision for a second term. The family also criticized him for being overprepared. A senior Biden advisor told Politico that the family's anger was directed at specific advisors.

Doubts About Biden's Fitness for a Second Term Due to Advanced Age

Questions about Biden's fitness for a second term due to his advanced age have been circulating for some time. If he wins the election in November, he would be 82 years old at inauguration. The Democrats had hoped that Biden would show during the debate how fit he still is, but the opposite occurred: Biden lost focus multiple times during the TV spectacle in front of millions of viewers, zoned out with an open mouth, and often couldn't finish his sentences correctly.

Biden consistently promises during appearances that his stiff gait causes frequent conversation topics. Reports often surface that he allegedly cannot focus properly. The White House regularly denies this. Over the weekend, Axios reported, citing unnamed sources, that Biden is particularly sharp between 10 a.m. in the morning and 4 p.m. in the afternoon. Therefore, many public events are planned during this time frame. Outside of this time span, Biden tends to make more promises, it was further stated.

The Democratic Party currently publicly supports him. However, should Biden's poll numbers deteriorate in the coming days, this could change quickly.

  1. Despite the debacle in the TV debate against Donald Trump, the New York Times reported that Biden's family has been encouraging him to continue his election campaign after offering him "unlimited support" during a family gathering at Camp David.
  2. CNN also reported that Biden's family is pushing for him to continue his campaign despite his disastrous showing, with the Republicans seizing the opportunity to criticize his age and fitness for the job.
  3. During the weekend at Camp David, Joe Biden participated in a photo shoot with renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz to boost his public image, while also planning receptions with Democratic Party donors.
  4. However, Politico reported that Biden's family had become particularly agitated at Camp David, placing the blame for the debate failure on his key advisors for not preparing him to attack Trump more aggressively and paint a vision for a second term.
  5. The doubts about Biden's fitness for a second term due to his advanced age have been circulating for some time, with the debate performance adding fuel to the fire, as Biden lost focus multiple times and struggled to finish his sentences correctly.
  6. As the election approaches, CNN analysts speculate that should Biden's poll numbers deteriorate, the Democratic Party's public support may change quickly, with potential younger candidates emerging as alternatives.

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