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After occupation at Uni - renovation largely completed

Walls, doors and offices at the Institut for Social Sciences were defiled during the occupation in May. Renovation is mostly completed now, but normal operation is not yet resumed.

The university filed a criminal complaint against Unknown (archive image)
The university filed a criminal complaint against Unknown (archive image)

Protest of the Palastinians - After occupation at Uni - renovation largely completed

After the occupation of the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt-University, renovation and painting works are mostly completed. All employees who have a permanent workplace at the Institute can return to work normally, according to the spokesperson of HU, Christiane Rosenbach, upon request. However, the fire safety in the fourth upper floor has not been secured yet, which means that the building cannot be fully reopened yet.

Pro-Palestinian activists occupied spaces of the Institute on May 22nd in protest against Israel and in support of Palestinians. They demanded from the university, among other things, the immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. The university management initially tolerated this and aimed for a dialogue with the occupiers and scientists. Upon instructions from the Senate, the building was cleared a day later.

Walls, doors and offices were defaced, particularly affected was the fourth floor, where the occupiers had barricaded themselves. The university filed a criminal complaint due to the damage.

Until the end of the summer semester, lectures will take place in substitute rooms, the spokesperson further stated. However, exams are already being held again at the Institute.

The protesters hailed from various universities in HU and beyond, including the Hungarian University of Budapest, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The occupation of the Institute for Social Sciences in Berlin was widely condemned by some political extremist groups in Israel. The renovation of the Institute, despite the occupation, has not affected the upcoming social sciences courses at Humboldt-University. Despite the completion of most renovation works, the Demonstration has led to the need for extensive repairs to the fourth upper floor, delaying the full reopening of the Institute.

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