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After Joe Biden's withdrawal, Donald Trump suddenly looks very old

In comparison to Joe Biden, Donald Trump often appeared agile. However, the US President is out of the campaign. Now, the 78-year-old Trump must allow questions about his fitness.

Suddenly not the Dynamic One: Donald Trump golfing in April
Suddenly not the Dynamic One: Donald Trump golfing in April

US Election 2024 - After Joe Biden's withdrawal, Donald Trump suddenly looks very old

Joe Biden, 81 years old, is no longer the oldest Presidential candidate of all time. This title now goes to Donald Trump, 78 years old, who was the oldest President of the United States between 2017 and 2021. However, it is not the younger of the two who will benefit from Biden's unexpected "rejuvenation treatment" through his candidacy withdrawal, as Trump's health and fitness are now campaign issues.

CT Scan after Attack on Donald Trump

It has only been two weeks since the 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks pointed a gun at the Republican and almost killed him. Trump survived perhaps only because he turned his head in the decisive moment. A bullet hit his ear, and other bullets killed a firefighter sitting behind the former President, and injured two others. Trump himself remained otherwise unharmed – at least according to what is known.

However, this is not much. A week after the attack, Dr. Ronny Jackson released a letter about Trump's condition. He mentioned that a small bullet wound to the ear had been treated and a head CT scan had been performed. The results of the examination: unclear, no details were given. Jackson added that he had seen Trump golfing that evening.

"Illness as an unpardonable weakness"

In the numerous biographies about the Trumps, it is often described how harshly Trump's grandfather and father treated themselves and others. "My family considers illness an unpardonable weakness," said Mary Trump, Donald's niece, in an interview once. Her grandmother Mary Anne suffered from osteoporosis, but Fred Trump, Donald's father, rejected her care and physical therapy. "Every time she had pain, he said in her name, 'Everything is great' and left the room," so Mary Trump.

How possessed Donald Trump is of his own invulnerability was evident in the fall of 2020. At that time, he had caught Corona, disappeared into the hospital, and presented himself three days later on the balcony of the White House without a mask. Defiantly, he ripped off his mask from his face. It was later discovered that his lungs were inflamed and his blood oxygen saturation levels were critically low.

How heavy is Donald Trump exactly?

For amusement, however, the first medical check of Trump as President two years earlier still stands out. In it, Dr. Ronny Jackson attested the then 72-year-old a largely good health, but the patient had to pay attention to his weight. Trump had a few kilos too many, Jackson wrote at the time. The calculated Body Mass Index of 29.9, however, revealed something else: The most powerful man in the world is on the verge of obesity.

Doubts about the accuracy of these data were already emerging then, as officially his height and weight were given as 1.90 meters and 108 kilos. On some pictures, Trump is seen next to Barack Obama, on which they seem to be the same height. The predecessor, however, is only 1.87 meters tall. At this height, Trump's BMI would be above the critical value of 30. But: nothing precise is known.

This applies to almost all investigations conducted by the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, since then. Before the attack, according to the "Washington Post," Trump went to see a doctor in the fall of 2023. In three sections, Dr. Bruce Aronwald explained afterwards that the former president was in "excellent physical and mental condition" and there was therefore no reason to disclose further details. The exact result of a cognitive test that Trump allegedly aced as US President, as Ronny Jackson mentioned, is also unknown.

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The stern team on site keeps you informed every Saturday in the free newsletter "Inside America" about the latest developments and provides insights into how American women and men really look at their country. After entering your email address, you will receive a confirmation email for your registration. We handle your data confidentially. In recent times, there have been increasing questions about whether the Ex-President is actually still fresh and dynamic, or if the comparison with the active Joe Biden only made him seem that way. During the hush money trial against Trump in the spring, it often seemed as if the defendant was simply disappearing. On campaign events, the presidential candidate tends towards lengthy, rambling monologues. It is not always clear whether he can even find his way through his own lies and half-truths.

Suddenly, the Ex-President looks very old

Just a few days before Biden's withdrawal, more than two-thirds of all Americans believed he was too old for a second term. With Trump, about 40 percent held this view. However, now that he is running against a significantly younger opponent, he may soon have to look as old as he actually is: 78 years.

  1. Despite Joe Biden's withdrawal from the campaign, Donald Trump's advanced age and health issues have become major concerns in his potential bid for the US-President position in Election 2024, as he is currently the oldest candidate, a title he inherited from Biden.
  2. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump two weeks ago, where a 20-year-old pointed a gun at him, has raised questions about his health, with Dr. Ronny Jackson releasing a letter mentioning a small bullet wound to the ear and a head CT scan, but the results remain unclear.
  3. Ronny Jackson, Trump's former White House doctor, declared during Trump's first medical check as President that he had a few kilos to lose, placing him on the brink of obesity, hinting at possible health concerns for the US-President despite his public image of good health.
  4. Donald Trump's plans for campaigning in Election 2024 are under scrutiny due to his age and declining fitness, with concerns stemming from his performance in the hush money trial and lengthy, rambling speeches that have caused confusion on certain occasions.

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