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After expressing anti-Semitic views: Scholz no longer desires university president in his Council for the Future

Although facing backlash for her online conduct during the Gaza conflict, Geraldine Rauch, head of the Berlin Technical University, intends to continue holding her position. However, Chancellor Scholz will no longer rely on her expertise as a consultant.

The President of Technische Universität Berlin: Geraldine Rauch
The President of Technische Universität Berlin: Geraldine Rauch

Geraldine Rauch: A New Perspective - After expressing anti-Semitic views: Scholz no longer desires university president in his Council for the Future

Germany's Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has disposed of President Geraldine Rauch of the Technical University Berlin from his advising circle. According to a declaration from the Deputy Government Spokesperson, Christiane Hoffman at a media event in Berlin, Rauch would not be a member of the so-called Future Council anymore.

Her position won't be renewed when the term of the committee members is juxtaposed. The counsel believes the accusations against Rauch have weight and remain unresolved. Rauch opted to keep mum about her plans as President of the TU.

Berlin CDU Faction Chief Wants Rauch to quit

Rauch has earned a lot of criticism for liking at least one anti-Semitic post on the X platform.

Berlin CDU Faction Chief, Dirk Stettner, calls for the resignation of President Geraldine Rauch at the Technical University Berlin. Stettner credited the fact that if a politician sketches swastikas, the outcome would be similar to that of drunk teenagers at Sylt singing racist slurs. "The same rules should apply to a university chief," he added in an interview with RBB-Inforadio. "I anticipate the university boards to stand by the incidents and opt for Rauch's abdication. In my stance, it's justified that she bow out." Stettner also accentuated the university's autonomy can't protect a person who has expressed anti-Semitic views. "She's unwilling to endure the hits and appears to be adamant on clinging to her office, which she shouldn't be, considering what's required."

Stettner backs strong criticism against Rauch

Stettner talked about the relentless criticisms Rauch faced from the Berlin CDU. "Publicly voiced sentiments warrant public response. Antisemitism shouldn't be exempt from university autonomy." He reiterated that it concerns someone who articulated anti-Semitic beliefs but didn't accept the consequences. "She's clinging on to her office, though decency instructs her to resign long ago."

Announced on Thursday, Rauch expressed her intent to remain at her position, even though a slim majority in the student council of the university urged for her exit. The management body of the university, code-named Kuratorium, has a scheduled special meeting on Monday.

Central Council of Jews denounces Rauch's response

The Central Council of Jews in Germany: "Professor Rauch had the chance to undo extra harm to TU Berlin but failed to do so."

"In an era when anti-Semitism is ubiquitous at German academies, Professor Rauch has demonstrated through her liking of multiple anti-Semitic posts and her conduct that she lacks the comprehension and empathy required to understand the magnitude of the situation," they remarked. "Rather than acknowledging her mistakes and taking steps to rectify, she's prolonging the situation and attempting to hide from the incident under legal facades." The Central Council of Jews added that Jewish pupils and college educators at universities live in dread.

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