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After double resignations, new misconduct officers appointed

Two of the three abuse representatives in the Augsburg Diocese resigned in April. Now, the Diocese has at least partially filled the gap.

The Bishop of Augsburg Bertram Meier has appointed a new child protection officer.
The Bishop of Augsburg Bertram Meier has appointed a new child protection officer.

Misuse handling - After double resignations, new misconduct officers appointed

After the resignation of two child protection officers, the position in the Diocese of Augsburg is once again filled. The law firm attorney Mandana Mauss will be the new independent representative for cases of sexual misconduct by clergy and other employees in the church service, the Diocese announced. With the lawyer, who is also a victim herself, there is thus again a female contact person available.

Andreas Hatzung, a jurist, remains in office as child protection officer of the Diocese. His two previous co-officers, psychologists Angelika Hauser and Rupert Membarth, resigned publicly in April. At that time, they accused the Diocesan leadership, including Catholic Bishop Bertram Meier, of a lack of willingness to clarify in an interview with the "Augsburger Allgemeine" newspaper. The Diocesan Ordinariat rejected the accusations of the child protection officers at the time.

The resignations of psychologists Hauser and Membarth highlighted concerns about potential misuse of power within the Diocese of Augsburg, leading to calls for stronger measures against criminality within the Church in Bavaria. The withdrawal of Hatzung's colleagues also raised questions about the Diocese's commitment to addressing historical cases of misconduct, as attorney Mandana Mauss, who is also a victim, takes on her new role. Despite the changes, concerns about the Church's handling of such issues persist, both within and beyond the Diocese of Augsburg.

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