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After Biden's withdrawal: Harris will run against Trump

Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US Presidency race is a political earthquake that Democrats hope for. The Republican candidate Trump makes a surprising demand.

The new candidate? Not only Biden supports Harris (archive image)
The new candidate? Not only Biden supports Harris (archive image)

US campaign - After Biden's withdrawal: Harris will run against Trump

After the dramatic withdrawal of US-President Joe Biden as the party's nominee, US Democrats hope for a turnaround in the campaign against Republican Donald Trump. Current Vice President Kamala Harris, who has the support of Biden and numerous other party heavyweights, is seen as the most likely replacement contender before the November election.

"I feel honored to have the president's support, and I intend to earn and win this nomination," Harris shared. The 59-year-old Harris is the first Black woman to take the oath as US Vice President and is known for her quick wit and fighting spirit. She is 19 years younger than Trump, but hasn't always made a good impression in public perception alongside Biden.

Pulling the Rope after a Disastrous Debate

The 81-year-old Biden, who was hailed as a selfless hero and great US President by his party colleagues, withdrew after a disastrous debate against Trump at the end of June. In recent days, the pressure on Biden from his party colleagues and the media had grown significantly due to his mental state. Biden was under immense pressure not only within his own party, but his approval ratings also continued to decline. Donors pulled back their support. "Although it was my intention to run for re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to step aside and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President," Biden announced in a letter to the American people. US Media reported that millions in donations came in after Biden's decision.

A Spectacular Turn in the Campaign

Biden's withdrawal just three and a half months before the US Election marks a spectacular turn in a campaign where former President Donald Trump, after the failed attack a week ago, had good chances against Biden. In almost all polls, Trump was significantly ahead of the incumbent. Experts, however, attributed this more to Biden's weakness than Trump's strength.

A Demonstrative Unity for Harris

The replacement of the designated nominee just a few months before the US Election and only weeks before crucial deadlines in some states is a risky move for the Democrats. After Biden pledged his full support, several other party heavyweights also spoke out in her favor - among them governors Gavin Newsom (California), Josh Shapiro (Pennsylvania), and Roy Cooper (North Carolina).

From the left wing of the party, Harris received support from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Competition from influential Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who had considered running, need not concern the Vice President. Former President Barack Obama, however, only expressed confidence that a "standout candidate" would be found.

Few hours after Biden's withdrawal, the chance seemed slim that Harris would face a serious intraparty challenger. According to reports from some US Media, Senator Joe Manchin is considering running. He had no chances. The Democratic National Convention takes place in Chicago in mid-August. A narrative for the duel between the former prosecutor and the recently convicted felon Trump should be in the hands of the Democrats.

Donald Trump seemed angry after Biden's withdrawal. His team had invested time and money "in the fight against the fraudulent Joe Biden," Trump wrote on his self-founded Internet platform Truth Social. The 78-year-old suggested compensation for the Republicans for this "fraud" within his party.

Trump was officially endorsed as the Republican candidate at the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee the previous week. Senator J.D. Vance is running as the Republican vice candidate. The convention portrayed Trump as a politician whose shots had changed him and who wanted to unite the deeply divided country.

However, in his nomination speech, Trump reverted to old patterns, accusing the Democrats of election fraud and insulting his political opponents. Trump and the Republicans had hoped for an easy game against Biden - especially since Trump had achieved almost legendary status among his fans due to the survived attack.

A Crisis Like No Other

Since Biden's disastrous television duel against Trump, criticism of his age, which had long been a problem for voters, had boiled over. During the debate, the most powerful man in the world had regularly lost his thread, stared blankly into space, and could rarely finish his sentences correctly.

Biden himself tried to explain his weak performance at first. He attributed his poor showing to fatigue from strenuous foreign travels. At various appearances, he assured stubbornly that he would not withdraw. However, more blunders followed. In the end, the pressure from his own ranks became too great.

In the past few days, Biden had retreated to his private home in Rehoboth, Delaware, and canceled all public engagements. During his enforced break, he made the decision to yield to the pressure from his party colleagues.

Respect for Biden

Leading Democrats, as well as state and government leaders from around the world, paid tribute to Biden for his significant step. The leading Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, paid tribute to Biden as a great president and remarkable man. "His decision was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first," Schumer wrote in a statement. The day showed that Biden was "a true patriot and great American." First Lady Jill Biden (73) commented on her husband's withdrawal with two heart emojis on the platform X.

An Election Year Like Never Before

This US election year stood out in many ways, especially with regard to the Republican candidate. With Trump, a convicted felon is running for the highest office in the state. As the first former president of the USA, he was found guilty in a criminal trial - for concealing a hush money payment to a porn star. So far, this has not harmed Trump in the campaign. However, other criminal proceedings against him are still ongoing - but they should not come to trial before the election day.

A week ago, there was an escalation in the campaign when a shooter opened fire at a Trump event in Pennsylvania. Trump was injured in the ear during the shooting, a spectator died, and two others were wounded.

Already the latest US election year 2020 was chaotic. Trump refused to accept his defeat against Biden back then, instead trying to overturn the election outcome with drastic means. His campaign peaked with a violent attack by his supporters on the US Capitol, during which several people lost their lives.

  1. The withdrawal of Joe Biden from the US-President race in the US Election 2024 leaves the Democrats in a challenging position during their campaign against Donald Trump and the Republicans.
  2. Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States of America, is seen as the most likely replacement candidate for Biden, with the support of numerous party heavyweights, including Biden himself.
  3. In the aftermath of Biden's withdrawal, there was a significant increase in donations to the Democratic Party, as reported by US Media.
  4. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is among the Democrats who have publicly supported Harris for the nomination, a move that could be crucial in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.
  5. Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the US Election 2024, expressed anger and suggested compensation for the Republicans due to what he perceived as a "fraud" within his party.
  6. The attempted assassination of Trump in Pennsylvania during a campaign event added a new layer of uncertainty to the already contentious US election campaign.
  7. Despite the chaotic nature of recent US elections, including the controversial 2020 election and the subsequent attack on the Capitol, Kamala Harris and the Democrats will need to navigate these challenges to secure a victory in the US Election 2024.

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