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After a week of releases: How many hostages does Hamas still hold?

The war in the Middle East continues. Following the end of the ceasefire, Hamas and the Israeli army are fighting each other again. This was preceded by a week in which prisoners were exchanged. How many hostages are still being held by the terrorists?

Photos of people abducted from Israel by Hamas are projected onto a wall in the Old City
Photos of people abducted from Israel by Hamas are projected onto a wall in the Old City of

War in the Middle East - After a week of releases: How many hostages does Hamas still hold?

This week began on a hopeful note. The guns in the Middle East fell silent, for the most part at least. And many people regained their freedom. Hamas released dozens of hostages taken hostage during the attack on Israel on October 7. In return, Israel released Palestinian prisoners from its prisons in the Gaza Strip.

According to the AFP news agency, a total of 80 people were released from the hands of the Islamist terrorists during the ceasefire since Friday last week, including 14 people who also hold a German passport, according to the German Foreign Office. Most of those released are women, children, young people and elderly people. Five of the abductees were released before the ceasefire began and 25 others were released outside the agreement. Israel released 240 Palestinian prisoners as part of the agreement.

How many hostages are still being held by Hamas?

After the hostage deal between Hamas and Israel, which was brokered by Qatar and others, and the week of silent weapons, things are continuing as before - with war. And nothing has changed for many people held by the terrorist group - they are still being held in the Gaza Strip. Among them are still female hostages, as Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced, probably 15 women and girls.

In total, the terrorists abducted around 240 people during the brutal attack on Israel at the beginning of October. There is no precise figure, which is also due to the fact that, according to information from the US government, not all of the hostages are probably in the hands of Hamas, but may have been abducted by other groups. All in all, the Israeli government assumes that around 145 people are still being held in the Gaza Strip, most of them men. Even mediator Qatar has not been able to provide any concrete information recently.

For those detained and their families and friends, the fear and suffering continues. According to various media outlets, relatives reported that the released hostages had not been physically abused. However, there were days without food. Sometimes the abductees had to wait an hour and a half before they were allowed to go to the toilet. Children were also threatened at gunpoint.

International efforts to secure the release of further hostages and a renewed ceasefire are continuing.

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