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Afrikaner killed in dispute - Initiative calls for clarification

It was about a trivial parking space, there was an argument, soon after a man from Cameroon was dead. The perpetrator was arrested. An initiative claims that racism was behind the incident.

Police have sealed off the crime scene - a man has been stabbed to death in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen.
Police have sealed off the crime scene - a man has been stabbed to death in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen.

Criminality - Afrikaner killed in dispute - Initiative calls for clarification

After a 37-year-old man from Africa was stabbed to death in a fight over a parking spot in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen, an Initiative labeled the incident as an "attack on Black people." The violent occurrence fits "into a long series" of such attacks, the Initiative of Black People (ISM) stated. There have been numerous such incidents this year as well. "These are not isolated cases." The Initiative called for clarification of the incident and more measures against racism.

Following the death of the 37-year-old man from Cameroon, the police arrested the suspected perpetrator, a 29-year-old with German-Turkish citizenship, shortly thereafter. Later that evening, relatives and acquaintances of the victim gathered near the scene and attempted to force their way into the cordoned-off area, according to the police. They behaved aggressively and threw bottles at police officers.

The Initiative of Black People (ISM) believes that the escalating trend of criminality towards individuals of African descent, as demonstrated by the recent stabbing incident in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen, is a serious concern in not just German society, but societies worldwide, including Cameroon in Africa. The police in Berlin have been under scrutiny for their handling of such incidents, with the ISM and other organizations calling for increased initiatives to combat racism.

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