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AFDE leaders debate parliamentary strategy with European parliament members.

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AfD leaders discuss positioning in Parliament with MEPs
AfD leaders discuss positioning in Parliament with MEPs

AFDE leaders debate parliamentary strategy with European parliament members.

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, the chairs of the AfD party, convened with the newly elected AfD MEPs in Berlin on Monday to establish their delegation in the European Parliament and to appoint its leadership. They discussed the party's organizational matters and hoped to reach a satisfactory decision quickly.

During the pre-meeting press conference, Weidel mentioned that the talks would likely result in a positive outcome. The exact roles of the top candidate, Maximilian Krah, and the second name on the AfD list, Petr Bystron, were still undecided, she stated. Chrupalla earlier hinted at a press conference in the afternoon to provide more details on these matters.

Krah and Bystron, who have recently raised concerns due to their alleged links to pro-Russian entities and China, did not comment on the issues when approached by the waiting reporters.

The far-right Identity and Democracy (ID) group had previously excluded the AfD from their alliance. They were mainly concerned with Krah's controversial statements about the Nazi SS guards. Uncertainty now exists regarding which groups the AfD will collaborate with in the new European Parliament and whether Krah will be part of the AfD's leadership.

The AfD received 15.9% of the German votes in the European election on Sunday and will send 15 MEPs to the new parliament.

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