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AfD wins city council election in Neubrandenburg

Some parts of Neubrandenburg held their municipal election on June 9th only on Sunday due to faulty ballots.

Due to incorrect ballots for the municipal election on June 9th, about one third of the eligible...
Due to incorrect ballots for the municipal election on June 9th, about one third of the eligible voters in Neubrandenburg were called to the polls five weeks later. It had little effect on the results.

Municipal election - AfD wins city council election in Neubrandenburg

Five weeks after the actual Municipal Election, voting took place in one of the three electoral districts of Neubrandenburg only on a Sunday. The result changed little.

AfD strongest force

The AfD received the most votes and came to 21.5% according to the preliminary result, which stood at 10:45 PM. The CDU is in second place with 17.9%, the BSW (Left Party with Sahra Wagenknecht) in third place with 16.0%. The SPD follows with 11.35%, "Project Neubrandenburg" with 8.9%, the Linke with 7.9%, "Citizens for Neubrandenburg" with 6.4%, and the Greens with 5.1%.

Neubrandenburg, with approximately 60,000 inhabitants, is the third largest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Of the roughly 52,000 eligible voters, 15,700 were summoned to vote on Sunday.

Incorrect ballot papers

The reason for the delayed election: In the ballot papers for electoral district one, which were sent out as part of the postal vote for June 9th, there was a printing error. A candidate was not listed, while another candidate was listed twice.

The Interior Ministry of the state decided to postpone the election in electoral district one, as the error could have led to a false election result.

Despite the postponement in one electoral district due to printing errors, the Municipal election in Neubrandenburg, held five weeks later on a Sunday, saw the 'AfD' emerge as the strongest force with 21.5% of the votes. The 'CDU' followed closely behind with 17.9%, while the 'BSW' took the third position with 16.0%. The election saw a turnout of 15,700 voters out of the approximately 52,000 eligible voters in the third largest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Neubrandenburg.

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