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'AfD suffers a decline in the polls and trails behind SPD'

"Should there be a general election currently, the AfD might be facing their worst situation since March 2023, as they recently experienced a decline in support."

The AfD is still reeling from the espionage affair surrounding Maximilian Krah. Now the party's...
The AfD is still reeling from the espionage affair surrounding Maximilian Krah. Now the party's poll ratings are also dropping slightly.

Inquiring about Sundays - 'AfD suffers a decline in the polls and trails behind SPD'

In a recent survey conducted by the Insa Institute for Bild, the popularity of the AfD party is fading. The figures, published on Tuesday, show that only 15.5% of respondents (0.5 percentage points lower than before) would vote for the AfD in a hypothetical federal election on Sunday.

Moving up the ranks, the SPD has taken the second spot with 16% of the votes, just like in the previous survey. The AfD's worsening performance in this poll marks the lowest point for the party since March 2023.

AfD's Poorest Performance Since March 2023

The CDU remains the strongest force with 30.5% support, closely followed by the Greens at 12% and the FDP at 5%. The Left party accounts for 3.5% of the votes, and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) would receive 7.5% of the respondents' support. A total of 2002 individuals (both male and female) were polled between May 31 and June 3.

Although these surveys provide valuable insights, they are not without their uncertainties. Factors such as decreasing party loyalty and the shifting landscape of short-term election decisions make it challenging for market research institutes to accurately weigh the data. As such, polls merely reflect the current opinion and do not serve as accurate predictors of election outcomes.

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Despite the AfD's decline in the polls, they still remain a significant force with 15.5% of the votes, potentially influencing the outcome of the upcoming federal election on Sunday. Contrastingly, the SPD has gained ground and is now ahead of the AfD, with 16% of the votes, indicating a potential shift in political alignments.



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