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AfD party conference starts in Essen

The AfD begins its two-day party conference in Essen. Some delegates only make it into the hall with difficulty and police protection because of the many counter-demonstrators.

Demonstrators on an access road to the site of the AfD party conference in Essen.
Demonstrators on an access road to the site of the AfD party conference in Essen.

Massive protests - AfD party conference starts in Essen

Accompanied by massive protests, the AfD party conference began in Essen. Delegates were escorted by police from their hotels to the event venue in the Grugahalle. Protesters tried to prevent access with blockades and occupied streets and intersections around the event location, the Grugahalle.

According to police reports, there were several violent incidents and arrests. Some demonstrators had disguised themselves and attacked police forces. Protesters also prevented some journalists from entering the hall. Up to 100,000 people are expected at demonstrations and events throughout the weekend from all over Germany and abroad, including around 1,000 left-wing extremists. The police have deployed several thousand officers.

At the party conference, the AfD aims to elect a new federal executive board. The leadership duo Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla are seeking re-election. There were no counter-candidates up to the last minute. The failed European election campaign, the handling of top candidate Maximilian Krah, and the AfD's course in European and foreign policy will also be discussed.

The police provided thorough protection during the AfD party conference to ensure the safety of delegates. Despite the intense parties inside, the police remained vigilant, prepared for potential escalations from both the AfD supporters and the demonstrators. The AfD conference was not just a target for the left-wing extremists who organized protests, but also for individual protesters who disguised themselves and violence-prone groups that targeted police forces. Food vendors near the Grugahalle were warned to stay cautious due to the anticipated protests and clashes.

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