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AfD party conference confirms Chrupalla as chairman

Without an opposing candidate

Chrupalla may remain at the head of the AfD party for the time being.
Chrupalla may remain at the head of the AfD party for the time being.

AfD party conference confirms Chrupalla as chairman

Tino Chrupalla remains at the top of the AfD. The party congress elected him with approximately 83 percent.

The AfD confirmed Tino Chrupalla as one of the two Co-Chairs in office. At the party congress in Essen, 426 delegates voted for him. There were 89 opposing votes and 17 abstentions. With 82.7 percent, the 49-year-old was re-elected. There was no opposing candidate. Co-Chair Alice Weidel is also running again. Her election will follow.


Tino Chrupalla, as the Chairman of the AfD, faced no opposing candidate in his re-election at the party conference. Without any contest, he garnered an impressive 82.7% of the votes, signifying strong support within the party. Despite the presence of the opposing votes and abstentions, Chrupalla's position within AfD politics remained unchallenged.

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