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AfD man with far-right past becomes mayor

It is "common knowledge" in Dessau-Roßlau that Laurens Nothdurft has a right-wing extremist past. Nevertheless, the AfD man is now expected to take on political responsibility.

In Dessau-Roßau, it is known that AfD man Laurens Nothdurft was active in a right-wing extremist...
In Dessau-Roßau, it is known that AfD man Laurens Nothdurft was active in a right-wing extremist association. Nevertheless, he has now been elected local mayor.

Local politics - AfD man with far-right past becomes mayor

Despite his past in a right-wing youth organization, a member of the AfD was elected mayor of the Ortschaft Roßlau in Dessau-Roßlau. Laurens Nothdurft was elected mayor of the Ortschaft Roßlau on Tuesday in the Ortschaftsrat election, according to a city spokesperson in response to an inquiry. Previously, the "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung" had reported this.

It is generally known that Nothdurft was actively involved in the so-called Heimattreuer Deutsche Jugend (HDJ), a spokesperson for the city stated. His opponent, Klemens Koschig, who was formerly the mayor of the free city, received only three votes in the election, according to the city spokesperson. Two other votes were invalid.

  1. The election of Nothdurft sparked controversy in local politics within Dessau-Roßlau, as some residents expressed concern about his affiliation with the HDJ, an organization with historical ties to extremism.
  2. Despite the controversy, the youth in Roßlau seemed to have made a choice in favor of Nothdurft, potentially reflecting the growing influence of far-right ideologies among the younger generation in Saxony-Anhalt.
  3. The victory of the AfD candidate in the municipal election of Dessau-Roßlau-Roßlau has generated interest beyond the region, with many observers watching closely to see if this trend will continue in the upcoming local elections in Saxony-Anhalt.
  4. The election of Nothdurft as the mayor of Ortschaft Roßlau has raised questions about the role of such organizations in local politics and the potential impact they may have on the broader community in Dessau-Roßlau.

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