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AfD leader Weidel admits mistakes in the EU election campaign

The scandal surrounding AfD politicians Maximilian Krah and Petr Bystron is upsetting the party. Following the results of the European elections, AfD leader Weidel makes a confession.

The AfD leaders: Alice Weidel next to Tino Chrupalla
The AfD leaders: Alice Weidel next to Tino Chrupalla

Criticism of Krah - AfD leader Weidel admits mistakes in the EU election campaign

I believe that the party has learned a lot in the last few months and will be looking very carefully when we in the future select top candidates, Alice Weidel stated in the "Politico Berlin Playbook" podcast after the European election. "Mr. Krah now has his mandate, and he can do as he please. I hope he uses it wisely."

European candidate Maximilian Krah and the second candidate Petr Bystron were heavily affected by various scandals in the weeks leading up to the European election, with Krah eventually being excluded from the AfD delegation in the European parliament. A party conference had elected him to the top spot on the list in Magdeburg in the summer – despite objections from party leadership and the fraction.

According to her own statements, Weidel sees potential for the upcoming elections: "We were the second strongest force – and I think there is significantly more potential there," she said.

Alice Weidel considers a Secretary General for the AfD

In light of the upcoming party conference this weekend, Weidel expressed her support for the creation of a Secretary General position within the AfD: "I believe that a Secretary General would be very useful," she said. If the AfD "ever decides to switch to a sole candidate" at a later point, a Secretary General "could make a significant contribution to the professionalization of the party."

She does not hope that a sole candidate will be decided on at this party conference, Weidel stated. "I have clearly stated internally that I would like to continue working with Mr. Chrupalla. But ultimately, it is up to the federal party conference."

Weidel and Tino Chrupalla plan to run for another term at the party conference on Saturday and Sunday in Essen. A proposal is also before the delegates to abolish the co-leadership and instead introduce a single candidate with a Secretary General.

Alice Weidel mentioned the potential of the party for future European elections, stating, "We were the second strongest force – and I think there is significantly more potential there." Despite the scandals affecting the European candidates Maximilian Krah and Petr Bystron during the previous elections, Alice Weidel considered the need for a Secretary General within the AfD, stating, "I believe that a Secretary General would be very useful."

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