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AfD elects new leadership at party conference - police deployed on a large scale

The AfD is meeting in Essen to elect a new party leadership and to determine its course in foreign and European policy. Up to 100,000 counter-demonstrators are expected.

Alice Weidel (l), Federal Chairman of the AfD, and Tino Chrupalla, Federal Chairman of the AfD,...
Alice Weidel (l), Federal Chairman of the AfD, and Tino Chrupalla, Federal Chairman of the AfD, greet guests at the press reception on the evening before the AfD's national party conference in the Grugahalle in Essen.

Party conference in Essen - AfD elects new leadership at party conference - police deployed on a large scale

Accompanied by protests, a two-day party conference of the AfD begins in Essen on this Saturday. Around 600 delegates are invited to the spacious secured Essen Grugahalle for matters such as electing a new federal executive board. The leadership duo Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla aim for re-election. No counter-candidates have emerged so far. The party conference will also discuss the botched European election campaign, the handling of Spitzenkandidat Maximilian Krah, and the AfD's course in European and foreign policy.

Demonstrators from all over the country have arrived

Various groups mobilized before the conference under the slogan "Prevent the AfD party conference." The authorities anticipate up to 100,000 demonstrators at various rallies and gatherings. The larger protests' peak is expected on Saturday. Thousands of police officers are on duty in Essen.

Domestic intelligence agency keeps an eye on AfD and demonstrators

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which classifies the AfD as a right-wing extremist suspect case, is likely to be watching closely in Essen for two reasons: first, the votes on political course changes and leadership personnel at the AfD could provide insights into the extent of the Far-Right current within the party. Second, among the numerous groups registering for counter-demonstrations, some are expected to be classified as left-wing extremist by the domestic intelligence agency.

Preparations for blockades

There were announcements for blockades to prevent AfD delegates from reaching the party conference. In the scene, according to NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU), there were also reports of action trainings where this was practiced. However, the police have made it clear that they will not tolerate a blockade and want to ensure an unobstructed course of the party conference.

It remains with the leadership duo

In the Grugahalle, the re-election of the AfD federal executive board is the main focus. Weidel and Chrupalla have publicly shown their support for each other before the conference. They intend to continue as co-leaders after two years. Theoretically, the party conference could vote against having only one CEO or CEO before the actual election, but this is considered unlikely in the current situation. Such a change was not apparent before the delegate meeting.

Potential for internal struggles

As with any AfD party conference, there could be harsh confrontations between representatives of different streams about the fundamental direction of the party. Potential triggers are proposals dealing with foreign and European policy and the extent to which the party orients itself internationally towards the East or West.

Divide between Krah supporters and opponents

A proposal calls for punishing MPs internally if they give interviews to foreign media without party approval, make foreign trips with political relevance, or publicly meet with politicians abroad. The background is repeated Russia trips and appearances by AfD politicians in Russian propaganda media.

With the application, the intended person is also AfD European candidate Maximilian Krah, it was stated by the applicants. Krah made controversial statements about the Nazi SS in an Italian newspaper - too radical for other right-wing parties in Europe, who then terminated cooperation with the AfD in the European Parliament. In order to regain contact, the newly elected EU-AfD delegation excluded Krah from their ranks after the election.

Krah supporters bitter - himself likely not at the party conference

Krah supporters criticized this sharply and see it as an act of appeasement. They had hoped that the party leadership would have taken a clear stance before and after the European election, not only towards the controversial leading candidates due to alleged Russia and China connections, but also towards the second on the European election list, Petr Bystron, for whom there were searches due to suspicion of bribery and money laundering.

The Bavarian state branch now demands in a resolution for the party conference that "no lazy compromises with parties whose commitment to Germany's future does not lie at heart" should be made in Brussels. In addition, there is talk of dirty campaigns against candidates chosen by the party base.

And Krah himself? He is not expected to participate in the party conference, it was stated beforehand from party circles.

  1. The police are expected to handle a large-scale operation during the weekend, as anti-AfD demonstrations are planned to coincide with the party conference in Essen.
  2. Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, the leadership duo of the AfD, are aiming for re-election during the party conference, with no counter-candidates emerging so far.
  3. Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel have publicly shown their support for each other before the conference, intending to continue as co-leaders after two years.
  4. Various groups have mobilized before the conference under the slogan "Prevent the AfD party conference," with the authorities anticipating up to 100,000 demonstrators.
  5. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which classifies the AfD as a right-wing extremist suspect case, is likely to be watching closely, as the party conference could provide insights into the extent of the Far-Right current within the party.
  6. Thousands of police officers are on duty in Essen to ensure an unobstructed course of the party conference, as there were announcements for blockades to prevent AfD delegates from reaching the conference.
  7. Maximilian Krah, the AfD's controversial Spitzenkandidat for the European election, is unlikely to participate in the party conference due to his controversial statements and actions.

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