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AfD despite losses remains the strongest force - BSW clearly surpasses

Survey for Brandenburg election

Currently, only five parties would enter the parliament in Potsdam. Currently, there are six.
Currently, only five parties would enter the parliament in Potsdam. Currently, there are six.

AfD despite losses remains the strongest force - BSW clearly surpasses

At the end of September, a new Landtag will be elected in Brandenburg. In a survey, the AfD is leading, while the BSW is building on its vote share. SPD-Minister President Woidke has high approval ratings. However, it could be tight for another term.

Approximately ten weeks before the Brandenburg state election, the AfD is the strongest force, according to the "Brandenburg Trend" report by rbb. SPD and CDU follow in second place. The ruling coalition of SPD, CDU, and Greens currently has a majority and could aim for another legislative term - possibly then under CDU leadership. This would not benefit Minister President Dietmar Woidke, who has more than half of Brandenburgers satisfied with his work. Meanwhile, two parties are threatened with expulsion from the Potsdam state parliament. In Brandenburg, a new Landtag will be elected on September 22.

The AfD comes in at 23% in the survey, losing three points compared to the April survey. SPD and CDU can each expect 19%. While the Social Democrats lost three points, the CDU gained one. The BSW comes in at 16%, making it a new force that could enter the state parliament. Its result has grown by six points compared to April. The Greens currently stand at 7%, one point less. The Left would have 4% and would no longer be represented in the state parliament. The Free Voters would also miss the re-entry with 3% of the current votes.

Hardly anyone knows the BSW, and few trust it

Every fourth voter (25%) trusts the SPD the most to handle the important issues in the state, according to the survey. 19% say this about the CDU, and 15% see the AfD as the most capable.

Noteworthy is that every sixth interviewee (16%) would vote for the BSW (16%), but only 8% trust the party's leader, Robert Crumbach, to solve Brandenburg's problems. And the young party faces another problem: 81% do not know the state leader, and only 7% are satisfied with him. On the other hand, 55% express positive opinions about Woidke's work - but only 16% about CDU state leader Jan Redmann, who currently harbors hopes of becoming the head of the state chancellery.

The SPD has governed in Brandenburg since reunification. Woidke has been the governor since 2013. In the 2019 election, the Social Democrats received 26.2% of the votes. The AfD became the second strongest force with 23.5% of the votes.

For the survey, a total of 1,153 eligible voters were interviewed by Infratest dimap from July 4 to July 9. The results are representative.

The 'Brandenburg State Elections' are scheduled for September 22, with the AfD leading according to recent polls, followed closely by the SPD and CDU. The BSW, a relatively new party, has shown significant growth in its vote share, potentially securing entry into the state parliament. However, hardly anyone knows the BSW and few trust it to handle important issues, as shown by the survey. The Social Democrats, under the leadership of Minister President Dietmar Woidke, currently have high approval ratings, but it's uncertain if they will secure another term. The CDU and 'Alliance 90/The Greens' are also part of the current coalition, aiming for another legislative term, possibly under CDU leadership. The SPD, CDU, and Greens currently hold a majority in the parliament, but the 'Free Voters' and 'The Left' are at risk of not being represented after the elections due to low vote shares.

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